Horley Town Council Your Horley
January 2020
In this edition.........
Horley Town Council declares a climate emergency; Scam Alert from Surrey Trading Standards; Upcoming Horley Recreation Ground Events; Reigate & Banstead's new 5 year Plan; Resident's Forum; New Horley Town Councillor; Surrey Police seek your views on funding; Horley Conservation Group News; Horley Photographic Club Children's Competition; HATS St George's Day Celebration date; Flooding Prevention; Conversational English at Horley Library; Surrey County Council Changes to Van Permits; Crawley Tip Entry Requirement Changes; Mayoral Events and finally Dates for your diary.
At its Full Council meeting held on 10 December 2019, Horley Town Council Chairman, David Powell, asked all Councillors to support a pledge to make improvements to help the environment and to consider an Action Plan for the Council’s environmental activities in the future. To read more click here
Would you be prepared to pay a little extra on your council tax bill to further improve the policing service in Surrey?
David Munro, Police & Crime Commissioner for Surrey, is seeking your views on two options - a 5% rise for the next year which would allow further investment in more officers and staff or a 2% inflationary increase which would allow Surrey Police to maintain a steady course over the next financial year. A 5% rise would equate to around a £13 a year rise for an average Band D property while 2% would mean an extra £5 on a Band D annual bill. Please take a minute to fill in the brief survey and and make your views known by clicking HERE
Resident's Forum 5 February
Anyone living in Horley is welcome to attend the Resident's forum to be held in the Albert Rooms, 92 Albert Road, Horley on Wednesday 5 February at 7PM.
The meeting is an opportunity for local people to raise any matter of concern with Town, Borough & County Councillors as well as the Joint Enforcement Team.
Reigate & Banstead adopts new 5 year plan
An ambitious new plan has been adopted by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, confirming its priorities for the period 2020-2025. Reigate & Banstead 2025 explains how the Council will focus its resources and deliver services – over and above its statutory duties – in the next five years. Click here to read more
Date for your Diary - Horley Association of Traders (HATs) St George's Day celebration will take place on 25th April 2020 for more details email: horleyassociationoftraders@outlook.com
Help prevent flooding on Surrey roads
Do you have a ditch, stream or river running through or alongside your property? If so, you are probably responsible for its maintenance. Keeping it well maintained benefits the community as a whole. Ongoing flooding events highlight the importance of maintenance to keep our drainage systems working properly. For more information and tips visit the living next to a watercourse page.
This year's theme for the competition is ‘Pastimes’ The competition is open to children living or attending school in the RH6 postcode area. Pictures can be taken on mobile phones, iPads or cameras. Age Sections K.S.1 [years 1 and 2], K.S.2 [years 3,4,5 and 6], K.S.3 [years 7, 8 and 9], K.S. 4 [Years 10 and 11] Take your photos and email a maximum of 2 entries with your name, age, year group and school to horleyphotoclub@gmail.com (please ensure that you have your parent/carer’s permission) The closing date is February 29th 2020. The Winners Presentation will be on 21st March 2020 and prizes will include a mounted print of your photo. The images must be the work of the entrant.The club reserves the right to ask to view the original file.
Change to Entry Requirements at Crawley Waste Amenity Tip
'From 1 December 2019 anyone using a West Sussex household waste recycling site will need to provide proof of residency in West Sussex. Access will be denied to the sites if proof of address is not shown or you live outside of West Sussex.' For more info click here
Precept for 2020/21
The Horley Town Council Precept for 2020/21 was approved at the Full Council Meeting held on 10 December 2019. Click here to read more
YMCA at the Horley Family Centre
YMCA East Surrey is now running the new Horley Family Centre on behalf of Surrey County Council. Located at the Horley Young People and Family Centre, The Old Fire Station in Albert Road, at the heart of the Horley community they are a ‘one-stop shop’ for children under 11 and their families. They provide advice, information, family support, courses, activities and much more. Surrey County Council has changed how it supports families including changes to its children's centres. The new approach involves Surrey County Council focusing its resources to help those families most in need of support. Therefore some of the existing children’s centres have closed and others have become Family Centres. Surrey County Council will no longer provide universal services for all families at Family Centres, but other organisations, such as health visitors, may offer these at the centres and at other community venues. For more information on the new centre and its activities click here
Horley Conservation Group
December Activities 'Thanks to those that joined in on Saturday 14th December at The Fieldings; Catherine Baart, Jan Spratt, Maggie Heisse, Dave Hampson, Mariotte Perrett, Jackie Sells, Ian Preddy, Brain Seaman and Richard Francis (Alasdair and Robin also came along to help with the mince pies)
We pulled up the Nettles, planted most of the Daffodil and Tulip bulbs by the roadside, added more wood chip mulch to the young fruit trees, re-cut the Blackthorn re-growth, carried on with the remedial pruning of the old fruit trees and did a litter pick around Tanyard Pond. We spotted a few Redwings (Turdus iliacus) feeding in the fruit trees along the fences...these relatives to Thrushes are normally winter visitors from northern Europe who fly south for our “warmer” winters and to find food.
January Activities 'Big thanks to those that joined in this moth at Trinity Oaks School, namely; Maggie Heisse, Richard Francis, Catherine Baart, Dave Hampson, Mariotte Perrett, Judith and Trevor Walker, Cath McNab (plus Alasdair and Robin), Simon Marshall, Catherine Johnson and Lou (Cath’s friend) and her 2 daughters.
We removed some more of the Reed-mace from the wildlife pond, dug holes ready for planting the new fruit trees later this month, spruced up the raised beds and planted lots of Spring bulbs along the fence lines.'
Kevin Lerwill, Gatwick Greenspace Partnership (KevinLerwill@sussexwt.org.uk)
Please note that the next activity has been moved from the 15th to the 16th February
From the start of January, you will need to pay £8.50 to visit Surrey's Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) with a van, pickup or trailer. All existing permits have now expired. Until you renew and pay for your permit, you will not be able to visit Surrey's CRCs with a van pickup or trailer. Why is it changing? Surrey's community recycling centres (CRCs) are for household waste and not for business or trade waste. Restricting access to van, pickup or trailer users helps to prevent traders from leaving waste which they should pay to dispose of. The new charges are an admin charge so Surrey County Council can still allow these vehicles to access CRCs. Applications for permits can only be made online - they are unable to issue permits over the phone as you will need to verify your email address. To apply for a permit click here
New Councillor
At the By-Election, held on 12 December 2019, James Baker was elected Town Councillor for the Horley West Ward.
The newly elected member’s Declaration of Office and Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary & Non-Pecuniary Interests were received at an Extraordinary Meeting of Horley Town Council, held on 7 January, at 7.00 pm. We wish Cllr Baker every success in his role of public office.
Horley Library - English Language Conversation Group
Fridays 10.30am – 11.30am (Starting in Horley Library January 2020) Would you like to practice your spoken English with a relaxed and friendly group? Then come along and join us. There is no charge and the group will be led by two friendly and supportive facilitators. Interested? Please give your name and contact details to library staff and we will let you know when the group starts. Or call on 03456 009 009 and press option 6.
SAVE THE DATE - Horley Recreation Ground Events
14th April - Easter Holiday Bike It Sessions - FREE (booking required)
Come and join Sustrans Schools Officer Bike It Pat for a bicycle skills session. This is a fun and exciting opportunity to improve your balance, pedalling, stopping, cornering and fitness. click here for more information
Mayoral Events
The 2019 carol service, organised by the churches of Horley, and attended by Reigate & Banstead Mayor Cllr Keith Foreman and Horley Town Mayor Cllr David Powell, got off to a good start with a joyful rendition of 'O Little Town' around the Town Centre Christmas tree. However spirits were nearly severely dampened, as the Heaven's opened for the most almighty downpour. Fortunately they were able to continue in Regents Hall whilst also sampling the buffet donated by Horley Town Councillors. If you would like to invite the Mayor to your event please see the invitation form here
05 February 11 February 18 February 25 February
Resident's Forum Full Council Planning Leisure & Amenities
We now have a new Facebook page that shows what's on locally. Click on the link below to follow us!