Horley Town Council
Your Horley
May 2020

In this edition.........

The refurbishment of the tennis courts; Multi-Use Games area limited re-opening; Notice of Electors' Rights; Changes to Metrobus Timetables; Henry Smith Charity Fund; Shout out for unused laptops; New Mayor of Reigate & Banstead; Earl Haig Fire Appeal; Garden Waste Service news; Deferment of Annual Meeting; Changes to items accepted at the Amenity Tip; Surrey Libraries; Scam Alerts; Around the Clubs and finally Committee Dates for your diary.
For the latest information, help, advice and support services, please see the
Horley Town Council webpage here
Multi-Use Games Area Limited Opening

The Multi-Use Games Area at Horley Recreation Ground is now open.  Users are asked to use the space responsibly and remember the Social Distancing Rules to stay two metres apart.  Please also adhere to the following:
  • No team sports with people from outside your household.
  • You may meet with one person from outside your household but you must stay two metres apart.
Notice of Electors’ Rights
Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2020
Each year Horley Town Council’s Annual Return is reviewed by an auditor appointed by the Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments Ltd.  Any person has the right to inspect the accounts and make copies of the annual return and any associated documents. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the statutory common period for the exercise of public rights (to include the first 10 working days of July) has been removed for the 2019/20 reporting year. These documents will therefore be made available with reasonable notice between the hours of 1000 hrs and 1600 hours on Mondays to Fridays (exc Public Holidays) commencing on 6 July and ending on 14 August 2020. The submitted Annual Return for  19/20 will be made available on the website along with the official notice from the commencement date
Community Recycling Centres
(Waste Amenity Tips) update

Many of Surrey's Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) have reopened and have only been accepting black bag waste and garden waste.

From Monday 1 June, more items will be accepted. The number of people allowed on site at one time are limited and there are revised opening hours.

For more information click here for the information specifically for the Earlswood Site
Libraries Re-Opening

Despite the buildings being closed, Surrey’s libraries have seen a huge increase in membership with numbers up 110% compared to a similar period last year, as people join online from home. Library members have been enjoying a varied offer of digital services, with over 11,000 e-books and audiobooks downloaded since lockdown began.

Videos on the popular Surrey Libraries Facebook channel, including online Rhymetime sessions, craft and science activities and even an online Lego club, have reached over 230,000 people. Videos have been so popular that the Surrey Libraries have launched a new YouTube channel.

It is anticipated that Surrey County Council will begin to gradually re-open its libraries from 6th July. More details about which libraries will be open and their opening times will be announced soon.
Devastating Fire at Earl Haig Sports & Social Club

As some of you may be aware the Earl Haig Sports & Social Club in Horley, suffered a fire on 15th May. The probable cause was in the electrical system, but because of the intensity of the fire the inspectors have said that it’s impossible to know for sure. The fire destroyed the roof and caused extensive damage to the club. The building was not insured against fire due to the archaic electrical system, which had been in place for many years. 

The building itself is 104 years old and was donated to the people of Horley in 1916 by Earl Haig, who specified that the club can never be sold. To this day it is still owned by the community. It was formerly held by the British Legion for over 78 years and is still used regularly by them especially as a venue for their Remembrance Day service.

If you wish offer a donation (however large or small) to help with the rebuild then visit the gofundme page. 
Tennis Courts Refurbishment

The refurbishment of the tennis courts has been able to resume and the lovely smooth new tarmac is now curing for a few weeks.

We are not planning on opening the tennis courts at the moment as its just not possible to safely fulfil the Government Guidelines that are in place. We appreciate that local residents will be keen to use this vastly improved area and we will look to re-open the Courts as soon as we are able to safely do so.
COVID-19: Annual Meeting of Horley Council Town Deferred
Following government advice on the COVID-19 outbreak and under Reg 4 of The Local Authorities (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Meetings) 2020 Regulations, the Annual Meeting of Horley Town Council (due to take place on 26 May 2020) has been deferred until May 2021. A resolution to defer the Annual Meeting was made at a Full Council meeting, held on 28 April 2020.

The current Council and Committee Chairmanships will continue over the Municipal Year 2020/21 and there are no Committee Membership changes.  We wish Cllr David Powell continued success in his role of public office as Council Chairman & Town Mayor; and Cllr Samantha Marshall in her continued capacity as Vice-Chairman and Deputy Town Mayor.

Essential Meetings of Horley Town Council will proceed to be held virtually during the COVID-19 lockdown period and not in the Council Chamber.  For further details of upcoming Virtual Council Meetings, please refer to the Council Meetings page on our website.
The latest Neighbourhood Watch newsletter is out and can be accessed here with lots of news on what communities are doing to help each other in this time of crisis and news on the Neighbourhood Watch week 7-13 June
Shout out for unused Laptops

Do you work for a business that might have some old working laptops gathering dust in a cupboard? Or do you have personally have a laptop you don't need any more? 

Cllr Martin Saunders is collecting these to give to local schools so they can be used by families not able to afford their own equipment to get online,

"Over the past few weeks its become increasingly clear that during and after COVID-19 the 'new normal' will involve our children and young people studying from home by using online systems and resources."

If you can help then please get in contact with Cllr Saunders, martin.saunders@horleysurrey-tc.gov.uk
Garden Waste 

From 1 June, all garden waste members will receive £20 per bin off the cost of their annual renewal to thank them for their patience and as compensation for the disruption to their service. (A refund of £20 will automatically be credited to the payment accounts of members who renewed in April or May this year.) Letters are being sent to all members, but post may take longer than usual to arrive. To receive emails, please sign up for a My Reigate & Banstead account.

Whilst the service is suspended here are some composting tips and advice from the Surrey Environment Partnership. If you’re considering using a private waste carrier, it is your responsibility to make sure they are licensed and you can check that a waste carrier has a licence here.

New Mayor takes office at virtual council meeting

Cllr Rosemary Absalom has taken up her role as the new Mayor for Reigate & Banstead. She was elected at the virtual Annual Council meeting on 28 May 2020, held online for the first time due to the ongoing Coronavirus crisis.

Cllr Frank Kelly was elected as Deputy Mayor, a role he also held back in 2017. Both councillors have lived in the borough for many years, and have an extensive background working for the Council.

To read more click here to visit the news item on our website


Contact Tracing App Scam
Morrisons WhatsApp 'free shopping' text scam
Fraudsters use lockdown to scam motorhome buyers
SKY scam
COVID-19 Testing (Genuine Testing Advice)

Click on the item to be taken to the link

The National Cyber Security Centre has set up a single email address to report phising scams to. Email them at: report@phishing.gov.uk
Changes to Bus Timetables

From Monday 1st June Metrobus will be increasing their services and operating in the region of 80% of their standard service. 

For more details please click on this link
Although our Hall still remains closed due to the current situation the Clubs and classes that usually use the hall still remain active.

Wardrobe Wizards
The sewing club usually meet every Wednesday during the term time but in the absence of being able to meet they have been putting their wonderful skills to use. Penny Loveday from Wardrobe Wizards,  
'Scrubs of every description have been made and distributed. We have been messaging each other with hints and tips to upgrade the designs. Facemasks in particular, fast approaching three figures in quantity, have ensured all family members and friends are well provided for in these extraordinary times. We are really missing our meetings and will be delighted when the hall is allowed to open again.'
Horley Town Council Still Operating

Although the Town Council Offices are closed at the moment Horley Town Council staff and Councillors are still working (albeit from a variety of kitchen tables and spare bedrooms.)

We can be contacted on our individual email addresses or at town.clerk@horleytown.com

If you would prefer to speak to us by phone we can be contacted Mon-Fri 10.00am to 4.00pm on 07946 055897

Please pass the information contained in this newsletter to your friends and family and we hope you stay safe and well.

Please note all meeting are currently being held virtually

16  June
30  June
Planning & Development Virtual Committee Meeting
Full Council Virtual Meeting
For a fuller list of local events have a look at What's On In Horley
We have a Facebook page that shows what's on locally. Click on the link below to follow us!