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Painting and Decorating News
Ice Fusion
Released in the summer of 2019, the Ice Fusion brush has been hailed as one of the best brushes on the market. Each element of the brush was designed with the professional decorator in mind. This year we will be launching seven new brushes in three different styles.
Oval Ferrule for profiles and contoured surfaces
The oval brushes come in 1”, 1.5” and 2” sizes, ideal for painting contoured surfaces such as skirting, architrave and window frames, with the oval head moulding better to the surface than flat brushes with fewer brush strokes. 
Angle brush head ideal for cutting in
The new cutting in brushes come in 1”, 1.5” and 2” sizes and have an angled head with a slimline ferrule that gives the optimum contact angle with the surface and delivers the right amount of paint for precision cutting in and sharp lines.
Short Handle for control and precision
The 2” Woodworker features a short, lightweight handle that fits neatly into the palm of your hand and a slimline, angled head for the optimum contact angle with the surface, giving precise control where needed, especially in narrow or awkward areas and tight corners.
We will be exhibiting these new brushes at The National Painting & Decorating Show on the 23rd and 24th November.