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Painting and Decorating News
Gekoe: Safe and reusable surface protection
The Gekoe is an innovation from Axus Décor's onyx series.

A rubberised embossing on the underside holds this sheet firmly in place. This reduces the risk of accidents, especially when placed on slippery floors such as polished tiles. The top layer is impermeable, preventing paint from passing through.

The Gekoe's thick layers and impact-absorbing rubber protect surfaces from scratches and even the occasional tool dropped from a ladder. The density also makes it very easy to unfold and lay down.

The Gekoe is highly reusable and machine washable. For a quick clean, you can wipe its surface with a sponge or wipes.

It's available in two sizes: a handy 1.2m x 1.2m sheet that's easy to move around and a 3.7m x 0.9m runner.