Wednesday 12th March 2025
The Fenlander is a regular bulletin from Fenland District Council updating on council news, events and services.
Plans for multi-million-pound leisure centre improvements
An ambitious £23million leisure centre improvement plan has been on the agenda at Fenland District Council this month. We've also announced grants totalling more than £55,000 boosting arts, culture and heritage opportunities across the district awarded from the second round of the Fenland Culture Fund.
Further grants are now available, this time for eligible homeowners to help with fuel costs and keeping homes warm. And there's advice and support available for people struggling with the cost of living, at an event in March town. The council is pushing forward with plans to redevelop another Wisbech High Street building. And is seeking views on new planning controls to tackle overconcentration of shared homes ('Houses in Multiple Occupation' or 'HMOs') in part of the town and a proposed new country park space in March. Crime prevention and community safety tips will be available at a Chatteris event. And Fenland Community Safety Partnership is asking ' how safe do you feel in Fenland?'
Free family Easter activities, and sessions for adults who want to lose weight, have been added to low-cost social and fitness sessions for all in Fenland. And excitement is mounting for the return of March's St George's Fayre. All of that on top of the usual service delivery carried out by the council from dealing with bins, waste and recycling to delivering housing services, planning, licensing, looking after the local environment, community support and other leisure functions.
Plans for multi-million-pound leisure centre improvements move forward, as the George Campbell Leisure Centre swimming pool reopens
Fenland district councillors have paved the way for an ambitious £23million leisure centre improvement programme after endorsing a new, district-wide 'Fenland Inspire!' investment campaign.
At the Fenland District Council Cabinet meeting on Monday, February 24, elected members agreed to push ahead with significant enhancement proposals for all four of the district's leisure centres - including work to pave the way for a swimming pool for Chatteris.
It comes as the swimming pool at the George Campbell Leisure Centre in March reopens following extensive repairs and improvements.
Picture above: Fenland District Council and Freedom Leisure representatives, March dignitaries and elected members and some of the team that carried out repairs and improvement works gather for the reopening of the swimming pool at March’s George Campbell Leisure Centre.
Picture below: The repaired and improved George Campbell Leisure Centre swimming pool in March.
Fenland Culture Fund awards over £55,000 to arts, culture and heritage organisations across the district
Grants totalling over £55,000 have been awarded from the second round of the Fenland Culture Fund, boosting arts, culture and heritage opportunities across the district. Local artists, writers and musicians and museums, festivals, theatres and community groups are among the 35 applicants to receive a share of the fund. Each recipient has been awarded a grant of up to £2,000, enabling them to continue their vital contributions to Fenland's vibrant cultural scene. See more: Fenland Culture Fund awards over £55,000 to arts, culture and heritage organisations across the district
Council pushing forward with plan to redevelop another Wisbech High Street building
Fenland councillors have agreed to take the next step in a long-held plan to build on a site in Wisbech High Street. Fenland District Council's Cabinet agreed on Monday, February 24, to press ahead with the next stage of a plan to build on the plot at 11 and 12 High Street. Following the meeting, Cllr Chris Seaton, portfolio holder for transport, heritage and culture, said: "This project is about us as a council stepping in to take action where buildings in private ownership have fallen into such a state of disrepair that they are a blot on our town. "We've created an opportunity to make a real and lasting difference to the appearance of Wisbech High Street and we're delighted now to be in a position where we can push forward with this plan." See more: Council pushing forward with plan to redevelop another Wisbech High Street building
Community input sought on exciting March country park project
Fenland District Council is inviting residents to have their say on a proposed new country park space in March. The council is looking to extend the town's existing West End Park, as part of district councillors' new, district-wide 'Fenland Inspire' investment campaign. The proposed March Country Park development would enhance the area's outdoor recreation opportunities and provide valuable new facilities for the community, including a new sensory garden and improved services for fisherman - with dedicated parking and accessible fishing platforms for people with disabilities. And the council is keen to hear from residents about additional features they would potentially like to see included in the park's design. A public consultation is now open, giving residents the opportunity to select up to three preferred facilities they would most like to see in the proposed park. See more: Community input sought on exciting March country park project
Active Fenland promotes and provides informal and fun sport and physical activity sessions in community settings in Fenland.
Free family Easter activities, and sessions for adults who want to lose weight, added to low-cost social and fitness sessions for all in Fenland
Free family Easter holiday activities, and sessions for adults who want to lose weight, are being added to the programme of exercise and fitness classes for all in Fenland. They're the latest addition to Fenland District Council's Active Fenland programme of free and low-cost exercise and fitness classes, which include everything from dance classes to fall prevention strength and balance classes for older people. Free 12-week 'Active for Health' programmes for adults who want to lose weight, which can allow eligible participants a free 90-day gym and leisure centre access pass, can now be booked. The sessions, delivered in partnership with Huntingdonshire District Council, are open to people with a a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or over, or 23.5 and over in ethnic minorities (excluding white minorities). Free family running sessions for adults accompanied by children aged 12 plus will be held:
- Tuesday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 15, 9.30am to 10.30am, meeting at Wisbech Park, Lynn Road, Wisbech PE13 3AB (booking is essential)
- Wednesday, April 9, and Wednesday, April 16, 10.30am ro 11.30am, meeting at West End Park, March, PE15 9LT (booking is essential).
Find all the latest sessions and details of how to sign up at: Free family Easter activities, and sessions for adults who want to lose weight, added to low-cost social and fitness sessions for all in Fenland
Excitement as St George's Fayre makes a return to the heart of March town centre
Preparations are in full swing for this year's St George's Fayre, in March town, which will be packed with new and favourite attractions. The event takes place, 10am to 4pm, on Sunday, April 27, 2025, and will be returning to the new-look regenerated town centre. Stallholders have until Friday, March 28, to book to come along to the event which attracts thousands of visitors. Spaces for catering stalls have already been allocated. Market Place, Broad Street and West End Park will be filled with attractions on the day and closed to motorists. Activities will also be hosted inside March Library, in City Road, and March Museum, in High Street. Discover more at: Excitement as St George's Fayre makes a return to the heart of March town centreTo book a stall, visit: Fenland Four Seasons Events
Want to make a difference? Work for your local council. Check out our website for all our latest opportunities.
Grants available to help cut fuel costs and keep homes warm
Fenland residents can now make their homes warmer and save on energy bills with grant funding from Fenland District Council. Through the council's Better Care Fund, eligible homeowners will be able to apply for grants to install first-time gas central heating if they currently don't have it or to replace broken or inefficient boilers and electric storage heaters. See more: Grants available to help cut fuel costs and keep homes warm
Free event in March offers tips on reducing living costs
You're invited to an event in March town where you can find out how to reduce living costs and access additional financial support you might be entitled to. The informal, friendly event is open to all. There'll be stands to wander and free refreshments. Get tips on things like managing energy costs, and available grants, benefits and other support available. Drop in any time between 10am and 1pm, Monday, March 17, at March Library, City Road, March, PE15 9LT. See more: Free event in March offers tips on reducing living costs
Have your say to help us improve our services and make more informed decisions.
Council seeks public views on new shared home planning control to tackle overconcentration concerns
Growing concerns over the concentration of 'Houses in Multiple Occupation' in Wisbech and their impact on local communities have prompted Fenland District Council to adopt a new planning tool, tightening rules around converting shared properties. Under current national planning legislation, the council has no powers to manage residential homes being converted into small Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) as the change of use does not require planning permission. Now the council has implemented a new planning control, known as an Article 4 Direction, to strengthen powers affecting new small HMOs in Wisbech. A consultation on the Article 4 Directions will run to Friday, March 21. See more: Council seeks public views on new HMO planning control to tackle overconcentration concerns
Chatteris community safety drop-in event
You can pick up advice and tips on community safety and crime prevention at an event in Chatteris. Come along for advice and signposting on community safety issues including: Neighbourhood policing, anti-social behaviour, road safety, scams and cyber-crime, fire safety, Neighbourhood Watch. Drop-in, Friday, March 21, 11.30am to 13.30pm, at King Edward Community Centre, King Edward Road, Chatteris, PE16 6NG. See more: Chatteris community safety drop-in event
Tell us how safe you feel in Fenland
Residents are being asked to complete a survey to help shape crime and anti-social behaviour reduction strategies. The short survey will help direct the work of Fenland Community Safety Partnership, which is made up of representatives from the police, local authorities, fire and rescue services, health and probation services and non-statutory bodies like residential social landlords. The survey asks for details of how safe you feel, whether there are issues with anti-social behaviour and whether you or your family have been recently affected by crime and anti-social behaviour. Complete the survey at: Fenland Community Safety Survey
Looking to start, grow or relocate your business? Our Fenland for Business team can offer free and impartial advice.
Business Premises
Starting or expanding your business? Looking for affordable offices or factory units? We can help! Our business premises and industrial units are ideal for small and start-up businesses.
- The Boathouse Business Centre
The Boathouse overlooks the marina in Wisbech. It is just a short walk from the town centre and is easily accessible from the A47.
- South Fens Business Centre
South Fens Business Centre, in Chatteris, is next to the A141 and A142 - offering easy access to Ely, March, Huntingdon, Cambridge and beyond.
New scheme that helps people in Fenland get back to or stay in work is already supporting 150 people
A new scheme that supports people in Fenland who are struggling to get or remain in work due to ill health, is already supporting 150 people. Anyone who is struggling to get or stay in work due to a physical or mental health issue is invited to register for free support through WorkWell Fenland. The scheme is not linked to benefits and individuals can register for support whether they are in receipt of benefits or not. People can refer themselves and employers are encouraged to signpost employees to the programme too to help individuals take steps to be well for work. Discover more about the people already being helped and how to access support at: WorkWell Fenland already supporting 150 people
Don’t forget to Do It Online
The quickest and easiest way to apply, report, find or pay via Fenland District Council is usually our website. Available 24 hours a day whenever it’s most convenient for you.
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