Even more Great Science Share's happening since June - have you shared yours with us? 
670,295 pupils registered for GSSfS2024,
in 40 countries! 

How was your share?
This year Manchester Children's Hospital reignited their science shares, led by science lead Brendan Fox. 
Over a couple of months, teachers supported science at the beside, enabling children to ask, investigate and share their scientific questions. This really shows that great science sharing really can happen anywhere when we support each other to enhance children's learning experiences. 
Solving world problems
The 'Floating Gardens' project that took place as part of a GSSfS that took place at Colchester Zoo, pupils showcased an innovative approach to tackle the severe and recurring problem of flooding in Bangladesh. This demonstrates pupils engagement with real-world problems through their practical science work, encouraging pupils to think critically and develop sustainable solutions to global issues.
Trafford schools unite for GSSfS!

Altrincham Grammar School for Girls have worked with local primary schools over the past year and in a grand culmination of work local schools were invited to share their work in their own GSSfS. Secondary students led engaging sessions for the primary pupils, earning a Superstar CREST award for their engagement in enquiries. The primary schools too brought exciting experiments such as camouflage moths and gliders. The showcase fascinated both children and parents alike with the array of the science that took place.

GSSfS works in partnership with CREST, and encourages you to have a look at formally accrediting the hours invested via the CREST scheme award scheme.

A Year of Sharing Science Between Schools at Wellacre
Investigations were everywhere in the Wellacre GSSS where their student Science Ambassadors worked with primary pupils as part of a transition and progression project. An added bonus was the key focus on Sustainability Science and engineering.

Highlights were the Great Glider Share and Crime Scene Investigation Challenge which fostered curiosity and demonstrated just how inspiring collaboration between schools can be!
From Nepal to Bury to Thailand...
Do you remember the first Nepalise Great Science Share for Schools? 
In the same spirit of student leadership a group of young people from Derby High School have taken their GSSfS Changemaker challenge to new heights.
A new adventure for them and a new experience in practical science enquiry for 600 Burmese secondary pupils.   
More to follow on this story in the coming weeks, as pupils complete their final days at school and share their experiences with the GSSfS team.
We'll hear more about how they gained new skills and knowledge about high-quality science enquiry, honed their skills using glass-based enquiries and recognised the need to respond to culture, climate and a new changemaker challenge. 

Read more about the Great Glass Share, originally developed in partnership with the Primary Science Teaching Trust and Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers. 

As you ponder your next steps for the 10th year of GSSfS - what will you think to share and with whom? 

A great way to do more on the theme of Sustainable Science!

Have you got a news story to share?
Email us at greatscishare@manchester.ac.uk to profile your school or reach us on X @GreatSciShare #GSSfS2024 over the coming weeks. 

Badge up your website!

Show your involvement and support for the Great Science Share for Schools but displaying your GSSfS 2024 Participant Badge.

There are lots of copies of two GSSfS books to be claimed for your classroom! Let us know how you found this year’s campaign. 
 Complete this 5 minute feedback survey.
We value your feedback.  

Are you a teacher outside of the UK? Why not join the new GSSfS International Influencers Network? 

Express your interest and share your experience by completing this short survey

Thank you!
To all GSSfS partners, supporters and advocates

Keep on sharing! @GreatSciShare

Important: Your registration for 2024/2025
It's important that you retain your full access to the GSSfS resources for the 2025 campaign - there is nothing you need to do unless your details have changed in any way. For example if the number of pupils taking part in your GSSfS has increased this year we would be grateful if you update this in your profile. You can update your info any time in your profile settings and it is very quick and easy to amend. Please get in touch if you encounter any issues.
Your mailing preferences can also be changed should you wish them to.

Please note that if you no longer wish to be involved you should unsubscribe on the website.

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Science & Engineering Education Research and Innovation Hub
Faculty of Science & Engineering, The University of Manchester, Core 1 Floor 6, Engineering Building A, Manchester, M13 9PL