November 2023

  1. WSCP Professional Curisoity & Challenge Campaign: Running From 11th December
  2. WSCP E-Bulletin Evaluation Survey - Have Your Say
  3. Key WSCP Updates
  4. Drop-In Session For Neglect Champions
  5. Education Updates
  6. FREE Online Safety Session - Places Still Available!
  7. Multi-Agency Training Dates
  8. Reminder - Updated Cancellation & Charging Policy for WSCP Face-to-Face Training
  9. NWG Safeguarding Forums
  10. Could You Become A Foster Carer?
  11. Winter Water Safety
  12. Christmas Toy Safety
  13. Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (RASAC) Children's Services
  14. Lumi Nova - Digital Therapeutic Intervention
  15. National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) Annual Data Release
  16. NSPCC Learning
  17. Keeping Children Well This Winter
  18. WSCP E-Bulletin - Are You Subscribed?
  19. Useful Links 

1. WSCP Professional Curiosity & Challenge Campaign: Running From 11th December 

Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is running a district wide campaign on what it means to be professionally curious and challenging in the district from Monday 11th December 2023 and we need your support please to spread the word!
Learning from safeguarding audits and reviews has told us we need to better embed what it means to be professionally curious and challenging, why it is important, what to listen and look out for, how to check what is being said and what resources can be used to support practitioners in their role.
WSCP has developed a range of new resources for those who work or volunteer with children and families to use when it comes to professional curiosity and challenge. As such we want to tell everybody who works or volunteers with children and families in the district about these resources for them to use them in their everyday practice.
The resources and information we’ve developed are:
How can you help?
We need your help in supporting the campaign and promoting and using all of the new resources and information we’ve produced across your staff teams, networks, social media channels and partner services.
Need more information?
Please click here to access the campaign briefing which provides all the relevant information and resources for you to access as part of the campaign including graphics and key messages to share, along with guidance on how you can help us.
All of the campaign information can also be found on the Campaign Page on the WSCP website
Who can I contact?
Should you have any questions in relation to the campaign please do not hesitate to contact us at  

Please click on the image below to watch the short explanation video on Professional Curiosity and Challenge.

2. WSCP E-Bulletin Evaluation Survey - Have Your Say!

Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is seeking your feedback on the partnership’s free monthly safeguarding children e-bulletin.
Since March 2021, WSCP has been issuing a free monthly e-bulletin to keep those who work or volunteer with children and families up to date with the latest local and national developments, training, and resources when it comes to safeguarding children.
By completing this short survey (approx. 5 minutes to complete), your feedback will help inform how WSCP develops further in the way in we communicate with you. To access the survey please click on the link below:
To view an example of an e-bulletin please click here and for all previous editions visit the WSCP e-bulletin page on the WSCP website here, where you can also sign up for free.
The closing date for survey responses is Monday 4th December.

3. Key WSCP Updates

This year WSCP have updated several key guidance documents, and toolkits. Have you seen these updates and and are you using them /referring to them in your every day practice. The guidance subject to updates are:

Further information is available when you click on the two images above. For both of the updates please ensure you:
  • Share the updated version with your staff teams and networks
  • Amend any single service guidance, training, website pages and resources which referred to and linked to previous versions as appropriate with the link to the updated version  
  • Embed these updated versions within your business as usual service practices
WSCP have also updated/launched several webpages, as well as producing a range of new One Minute Guides (OMG's) and 7 Point Briefings. Please click on the links below to take a look:
For any queries, please contact the WSCP Business Unit at 

4. Drop-In Session For Neglect Champions

In February 2023 WSCP launched our Neglect campaign which included a new MA Training offer, campaign resources and the new online neglect toolkit.  Since then, we have trained 167 practitioners of which 46% signed up to become a neglect champion.  

Our champions have been keeping Neglect on the agenda, making sure all their neglect resources are up to date and promoting the MA training.  

We have our first drop-in session on 13th December at 12 noon available to all champions and those who have attended any of the MA training sessions.  

This is a very informal hour where you will be able to meet other professionals from a variety of services to link in and share your knowledge or experience around neglect or to pick up some useful hints and tips from each other. Click here to receive your link

We have processed all your feedback and comments after each training session and adapted the training accordingly.
A big thank you once again for your engagement with the neglect campaign. Our 2024 dates are available now to book onto click here for more information.

To view feedback on our infographic click here

5. Education Updates

Harmful Sexual Behaviours (HSB) Resources
In DSL training we are coming across some who do not recognise the HSB resources we have available.  For example, the risk assessment tool and safety plan template have been emailed out several times but we still seem to have some DSL’s who are unaware.

As we have HSB as a topic on the next DSL forum and we have recently launched a dedicated HSB page on WSCP website, we thought it would be useful to remind everyone of what is available.

Resources for schools/colleges: Click here and scroll to the sexual harassment/abuse/HSB section. Templates are also available under templates section of the website.

Click here to access the NEW dedicated page for all professionals.

Home Visit Checklist
School staff often do home visits. Please ensure this has been properly risk assessed. A helpful Home Visit Tips checklist is available on the WSCP website. Click here to take a look.

Safeguarding Before & After School
NSPCC Learning has updated its guidance for schools on safeguarding children when they are dropped off and picked up from school. The guidance sets out information on helping keep children safe before and after school and has been updated to reflect the latest guidance and legislation. 

Read the guidance: Dropping off and picking up before and after school

Wellbeing Advent Calendars
The lead up to the winter break can be a fun and exciting time, but it’s also a period that may make some young people feel anxious and stressed. Young Minds have created wellbeing advent calendars both for your students and you to look after your wellbeing over the break. Click here to take a look at their new calendars for 2023!

Anna Freud - Mental Health Lead Resource Hub
The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families have launched a new mental health lead resource hub on their Mentally Healthy Schools Site. In partnership with and funded by the Department for Education, they have collaborated with a range of education and mental health experts to produce this new hub for mental health leads and other education staff. 

This hub is a comprehensive resource that signposts and showcases practical resources from trusted organisations and training providers - all under one roof. 

It will enable mental health leads to continue to develop in their role, and embed an effective whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing.

Please click on the button below to access the resource hub.

6. FREE Online Safety Session - Places Still Available!

The UK Safer Internet Centre are delighted to partner with Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership to deliver a FREE Online Safety Session, on 24th January 2024, taking place in Wakefield.

The face-to-face session is open to all who work with children and young people, and will give you the latest in research, legislation, technology, tools and resources along with exclusive access to the presentation, research and resource materials. Safety online is constantly changing and the purpose of Online Safety Live events is to provide access to this information, right on people’s doorsteps.

The UK Safer Internet Centre understand that everyone is busy and the feedback has been clear that getting time away from work is a challenge – this is why they have organised these events as short briefing sessions. They provide vital information, critically supplemented with access to detailed resources to review later. The team from the UK Safer Internet Centre will also be available to answer any of your questions. To find out more and to book your place please click here

7. Multi-Agency Training Dates

Multi-Agency Neglect: A Shared Responsibility Training
The session will explore how we identify neglect, what to consider, tools to use and how best to respond to Neglect through robust assessment and information sharing.

This training encourages collaboration, professional curiosity, challenge and discussion.

*Please note: This is NOT Neglect Toolkit training.

Before attending this training, it may be useful to watch the new and updated recorded training, How to’ guide for the WSCP Neglect Toolkit.

For more information click here

Available course dates:
- Wednesday 25th January 2024
- Thursday 28th March 2024
This course is designed to increase the participants knowledge and understanding of Working Together 2018 to Safeguard Children and other key legislation, including the West Yorkshire inter-agency procedures and local guidance. It is delivered by the WSCP Business Unit. Please note: There is a pre-recorded video to watch prior to the training titled 'WSCP Safeguarding Children Basic Awareness'

For more information click here

Available course dates & times: 
- Watch this space - new dates for 2024 to be confirmed soon!

Managing Allegations Against Staff Training
This session aims to provide employers and mangers with an introduction to the systems and procedures that are in place for responding to allegations made against people who work with children. This course is delivered by the Wakefield Council Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and the WSCP Safeguarding Advisor for Education Vicki Maybin. If you are interested in this training please email

NEW - Multi-Agency Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) Training
The Learning Academy, alongside Focus CAMHS, are proud to announce three multi-agency Sexual Behaviour courses for professionals in Wakefield. These courses are:

1) Introduction to Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB)

Available course dates & times: 
- Thursday 9th May 2024, 10:00am to 16:30pm

2) Introduction to Technology Assisted Harmful Sexual Behaviour (TA-HSB)

Available course dates & times:
- Wednesday 17th January 2024, 10:00am to 13:00pm
- Wednesday 10th July 2024, 09:30am to 12:30pm

3) Harmful Sexual Behaviour Planning (*you must have completed "Introduction to Harmful Sexual Behaviour" to attend this course*)

Available course dates & times:
- Friday 22nd March 2024

To find out more about the above three HSB courses and to book a place please click here

Domestic Abuse Training
Available training on topics such as: Domestic Abuse Awareness, Coercive Control, Stalking, Harassment & Honour Based Violence, Sexual Abuse, FGM, Domestic Homicide, Male Victims of Domestic Abuse, Domestic Abuse Act, MARAC Awareness and CAPVA. 

For more information including dates and times, please click here

Future In Mind Workforce Development Training (CAMHS)
CAMHS are delivering training on the following subjects, with dates available throughout the year:

- An Introduction to Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Understanding and Working with Anxiety in Children and Young People
- An Introduction to Depression and Low Mood in Children and Young People
- Supporting Children and Young People who have experienced Bereavement or Loss
- The Impact of Sleep on Emotional Wellbeing
- An Introduction to Attachment in Children and Young People
- An introduction to Self Harm
- An Introduction to Suicide and Awareness and Prevention

These sessions will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. For further information including dates and times, and to download a booking form please click here

Ygam Training - Gaming and Gambling Harms
Ygam’s mission is to ensure that every young person is resilient to, and safeguarded against, gaming and gambling harms. They do this through awareness raising, education and research.

This training equips professionals with the knowledge and confidence to deliver the programme directly to young people. The workshops are 100% fully funded and on completion all trained staff will gain access to resources to use with the young people you support and City and Guilds certification.

For more information please click here

Available course dates and times:
- Tuesday 5th December 15:30pm - 17:00pm
- Wednesday 13th December, 10:00am - 11:30am

PACE: Parents Awareness Session
Parents Against Child Exploitation (PACE) are holding a number of Parents Awareness sessions designed to help parents/carers:

- Learn how children are groomed online
- Develop their understanding of behaviours of exploited children
- Develop their understanding about what child exploitation is
- Understand the signs of child exploitation

For more information please click here

Available course dates and times:
- Wednesday 17th January 2024, 10:00am - 12:30pm
- Wednesday 6th March 2024, 10:00am - 12:30pm (SEND)

NEW - Young Lives Consortium: safeTALK Suicide Alertness Training
Know what to do if someone is thinking about suicide by following the easy to remember TALK steps- Tell, Ask, Listen and Keep-safe.

Places are free for those that live, work or learn in the Wakefield District.

These practical steps offer immediate help to someone having thoughts of suicide and help you both move forward to connect with more specialised support.

- Identify people thinking of suicide.
- Overcome barriers in talking about suicide.
- Identify reasons we may miss, dismiss or avoid suicide.
- Practice using the 4-step model of suicide alertness.
- Connect people at risk of suicide with further appropriate help.

Available course dates and times:
- Tuesday 6th February 2024, Pontefract 09:30am – 13:30pm
- Tuesday 5th March 2024, Castleford 09:30am – 13:30pm

Click here for more information.

For all our training and 'on demand' briefings visit our website

8. Reminder - Updated Cancellation & Charging Policy for WSCP Face-to-Face Training 

Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) has reviewed and updated it’s cancellation and charging policy in respect of face-to-face training. This updated policy came into effect from 1st July 2023 and is applicable to all WSCP face-to-face training for any new bookings from that point onwards.
Since the recommencement of face-to-face training since the pandemic, there has been a notable rise in non-attendance without notice at WSCP face-to-face training events. WSCP face-to-face training is typically oversubscribed and although we recognise due to the nature of the work we do means urgent matters need to rightly be prioritised which can be unforeseen, the levels we have seen in unexplained non-attendance has become unacceptable. Non-attendance without prior notice results in preventing somebody else who could have attended the training from doing so, therefore it is hoped this policy is understood and supported by our services who attend WSCP face-to-face training which is of good quality, bespoke for the district and importantly free for all who work or volunteer with children and families.
The policy will be viewable upon booking onto a face-to-face training session via the WSCP website and will also be sent alongside confirmation of a training place directly to an attendee. To view the policy please click here
Should there be any questions in relation to the policy please do not hesitate to contact where we will be happy to discuss further.  
Please can we ask you disseminate this message across your organisation and networks as a reminder.

9. NWG Safeguarding Forums

The NWG are hosting a range of different forums to bring together practitioners and safeguarding partners who are working with exploited children to look at what is/isn't working, themes and trends and how to maximise impact. Many of these forums are free of charge and take place virtually. Click on the links below to find out more, and to book onto any that may be of interest/use to you.
The NWG host a range of other events and training, click here to visit their website and find out more.

10. Could You Become A Foster Carer?

Ever thought of becoming a foster carer but talked yourself out of it as you don't think you will be eligible/what a child needs? In reality any of us can foster a child or young person, if you have the capacity to care.

Foster carers are as diverse and different as the children they care for are. They are ordinary people, the one thing they have in common is the caring instinct. It could be any of us that makes a different in a child's life. Could it be you?

Still not sure? Watch the short video below which highlights that any of us could become a foster carer.

11. Winter Water Safety

Water safety is important at any time of the year, but the winter months can bring additional hazards that children, parents and carers need to be aware of. Areas with frozen lakes, ponds, canals and reservoirs can be beautiful places to visit during the winter months but all too often people risk their lives by venturing onto frozen water.  To help keep children and families safe near water during the winter months The Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) have published the following top tips:
  • Keep back from slippery banks and wear footwear with a good grip.
  • Stick to well-lit areas - the reduction in daylight in the winter adds to risks around water. Plan your walks in daylight or along well-lit paths.
  • NEVER go onto the ice - don't be fooled - ice can be extremely dangerous and across the UK and Ireland it is unlikely to freeze to a suitable depth to safely walk on.
  • Keep children within reach and teach them not to go onto the ice.
  • Keeps dogs on a lead near ice and slippery banks.
  • Walk with friends if you want to go out and enjoy a winter walk.
What to do in an emergency:
  • If someone enters the water/falls through ice call 999 - DO NOT enter cold water or go onto the ice to try to rescue them.
  • Try and reach them from the bank using a rope, pole, tree, branch, clothing tied together or anything else which extend your reach.
  • If you or someone else falls in try to stay calm, float on your back and call for help. If you can throw something that floats to the person that has fallen in.
  • If you or they cannot climb out, wait for help and keep as still as possible. Preserve heat by pressing your arms by your side and keep your legs together. Keep your head clear of the water
Click here to download a poster summarising the above information which can be displayed in public and staff areas.

If is important for the whole family to know basic water safety and what to do if they fall in unexpectedly. Click here to access FREE RLSS water safety resources that can be shared with children and parents/carers. Visit the WSCP dedicated water safety webpage to access a whole range of useful information and resources suitable for children or all ages, to highlight the dangers posed by open water.

Watch the short video below by The Canals and Rivers Trust, which provides important advice about what to do if you find someone who has fallen into open water:

Calling all professionals - please share this important information with any children and families that you work with.

12. Christmas Toy Safety

Christmas is just around the corner and many parents/carers and family members will soon be starting to buy toys for the children in their lives. Remember not all toys meet British Safety Standards, therefore the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) have published the following top tips to help you with your toy shopping this Christmas.

Button batteries are very hazardous and are now found in many toys and even the Christmas decorations you will soon be displaying around your home. Button batteries, in particular lithium coin cell batteries can badly hurt or kill a child if they swallow one and it gets stuck in their food pipe. Keep them out of reach! Visit the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) button battery advice hub, which fully explains what these are and the dangers associated with them, and has resources available in other languages.
Watch the short video below by CAPT which demonstrates which hazards to look out for when buying toys:

13.  Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre (RASAC) Children's Services

Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (RASAC) is a rape crisis centre which support survivors of all genders of sexual violence who live in the Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield regions. They have three different services: Helpline, Therapeutic Services and an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) Service. 
The helpline service involves phone support (0300 303 4787), web chat support which can be accessed at and and email support for survivors, family or friends and professionals who want support, information or advice.
Therapeutic Services:
RASAC Therapeutic Services are offered to anyone 13 and over who have experienced sexual or domestic violence. They have many services within this such as counselling, art therapy, group therapy, reiki, support sessions and group support. You can make a referral for therapeutic services via the RASAC website but you must have consent from the survivor to refer to their services. After referring to therapeutic services, survivors will be contacted within 3 months to organise an initial assessment meeting. Survivors who have received therapeutic support with RASAC previously are asked to wait a minimum of 6 months from their last session before re-referring.

Independent Sexual Violence Advisor:
The Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) service is an advocacy service supporting survivors of sexual violence of all genders who are either thinking of reporting or have already reported and want support with the Criminal Justice System. Their advisor can support by explaining the options available to them within the Criminal Justice System, attending appointments with them and supporting them in making informed choices. An ISVA can also offer practical support around housing, finances, education, etc. as well as emotional support focusing on the here and now (e.g. flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety).

All the ISVA’s work with children aged 13 and above including their specialist ISVA’s – BAME ISVA and Male ISVA. They have specialist CHISVA’s who work with survivors aged 8 and above. You can refer to the ISVA service via this section on the Make a Referral webpage but you must have consent from the survivor to refer to their services. Once a referral is received, the ISVA’s will contact the survivor within 48 working hours.

The ISVA service is now offering support to those close to survivors (non-abusing family, friends, partners) via their Family Support Worker. The Family Support Worker can offer emotional and practical support to those loved ones and also support them through the criminal justice process if this applies to them. Referrals for this service are coming soon and will be on the website as soon as they are available for external referrals.

Should you need to contact RASAC please see the details below:

14.  Lumi Nova - Digital Therapeutic Intervention

NHS West Yorkshire ICB and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust have partnered with BFB Labs to offer free access to Lumi Nova; a best-in-class (MHRA-registered and NICE-recommended) digital therapeutic intervention to enable timely support for childhood anxiety.
It comes in the format of a personalised digital therapeutic game, which has been co-designed with children, parents, NHS clinicians, and experts in mental health, human-centred design, and digital technology.

Click here to find out more and get access.

15. National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) Annual Data Release


The NCMD have published their latest annual data release which covers child deaths up to 31st March 2023.

This year’s data includes 3,743 child deaths in England notified to the NCMD between April 2022 and March 2023, an estimated rate of 31.8 deaths per 100,000 children. The number of deaths increased by 8% on the previous year and was the highest number of deaths in a year since NCMD started data collection in 2019. 

The data also shows a growing disparity between children from wealthier and more deprived backgrounds, as well as between children of different ethnicities. Click here to take a look at the report.

16. NSPCC Updates

The NSPCC have recently released the following updates which may be of interest to professionals working with children and families, and to share with parents/carers where applicable.

Case Reviews
Six case reviews have been added to the collection this month featuring issues including violence, neglect and suicide. Click here to read them.

Looked After Children
NSPCC Learning has published a blog post on issues around using the acronym “LAC” when talking about children in care as part of its Why Language Matters Series. The blog post looks at: how children and young people feel about the “LAC” label; the risks of depersonalisation when using language like this; and ways to help children find their voice. 

Read the blog: Why language matters: why you should avoid the acronym 'LAC' when talking about children in care
See also on NSPCC Learning: Looked after children

Online Safety Act
The UK Government has announced that the Online Safety Act has now received Royal Assent putting rules to make the internet safer in the UK into law. The Act initiates Ofcom’s new powers and places legal responsibility on tech companies to prevent and remove illegal content and stop children seeing harmful content.

Read the press release: UK Children and adults to be safer online as world-leading bill becomes law 
See also on NSPCC Learning: Online safety training
Read Ofcom’s approach: Ofcom's approach to implementing the Online Safety Act
Read the blog: The Online Safety Act: what it means for children and professionals

Trauma Informed Care

Research in Practice has published a video on providing trauma-informed care to children and young people. The video sets out guidance on: structuring work with young people who have experienced trauma; building trust and minimising retraumatisation; giving young people agency and choice; and understanding cultural, historical and gender contexts.

Watch the video: What does trauma-informed care look like?

Adverse Childhood Experiences
Public Health Wales has created a handbook to support professionals with tackling adverse childhood experiences and developing trauma-informed systems. The handbook sets out strategies and information on preventing and responding to adverse childhood experiences, including child maltreatment and other stressful experiences within the first 18 years of life, such as exposure to family violence or substance abuse by parents or caregivers. 

Read the news story: Strategies to prevent adverse childhood experiences are vital, says new handbook for professionals.
Access the handbook: A practical handbook on adverse childhood experiences delivering prevention, building resilience and developing trauma-informed systems: a resource for professionals and organisations

17. Keeping Children Well This Winter

The winter months bring with them a rise in illness such as colds, flu and sickness bugs for children and all family members. If you'd like to learn more about your child's health, visit the Healthier Together website, which has been developed by local healthcare professionals in West Yorkshire. This website gives parents and carers trusted advise and treatment options on a range of topics.

The 0-19 Service have also been working with Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust to develop a new app designed to support the development of children and young people. The app provides a wide range of information and resources, including advice on how to make sure your child is ready for school.

You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play, just search for "Children's Health Service-HDFT".

18. WSCP E-Bulletin - Are You Subscribed?

Was this email forwarded to you? If so why not sign up to the e-bulletin directly? Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) publish this FREE safeguarding e-bulletin monthly, and you can sign up to it really easily just by clicking here, and completing a few basic details.

Why sign up?
The e-bulletin is how WSCP communicates all upcoming training and events, new and updated guidance, new resources, changes to procedure and policies, alongside any regional and national safeguarding children developments including safety alerts.

It is aimed at all whose role involves coming into contact/working directly with children and families. The e-bulletin is circulated towards the end of each month direct to your inbox. If you still aren’t sure it’s for you click here to take a look at some of our previous editions, all are available on the WSCP website.

Please  can you support us to share this information across your networks with anyone you might think would benefit from signing up to the e-bulletin, so we can all keep up to date with the latest developments concerning safeguarding children in Wakefield.

19. Useful Links

Copyright © 2023 Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership, All rights reserved.

Has this email been forwarded to you? Why not sign up yourself here so you don't miss out on future
WSCP e-Bulletins?

Our mailing address is: