Wakefield Council Climate Action banner surrounded with green buildings, vehicles and natural spaces set against a blue sky backdrop with the sun shining.
February 2024

Over 2,500 people claim free trees

A photo of four people holding their free trees in bags
A photo of someone receiving their tree
Between November and January, Wakefield Council gave away over 4,000 British native trees.

Thank you for sharing our offer of free trees, we were blown away by the response. For years to come, the scheme will help to increase biodiversity across the district. Making our gardens greener and supporting our district to adapt to and reduce the impact of climate change.

Residents and community groups collected a variety of trees, including fruit trees, hawthorns and blackthorns. These were selected because they benefit wildlife, with blossom for pollinators and autumn berries for birds.

Thank you to everyone who took a tree. We can't wait to see them grow, so be sure to tag @Climate_Wakey in your photos!

Help us plant the White Rose Forest

A photo of ten volunteers planting trees in a field

We're planting 50,000 trees to provide habitats for wildlife and help tackle climate change by capturing carbon.

So far this year, 667 volunteers have helped plant trees at Bullcliffe Woods. We're still looking for volunteers for planting sessions on 24, 25 and 28 February. Make sure to bring your wellies!

Communities receive grants to become greener

A photo of solar panels on the roof of the Portobello Community Centre
Portobello Community Centre is one of the first of 12 community groups in the district who are receiving grants to go greener.

Community groups could apply to receive up to £50,000. The money could be used for clean energy solutions. It could also be used for making community buildings more efficient and schemes to encourage walking, cycling and public transport use.

Nearly half of people will buy an ultra-low emissions vehicle for their next car

An electric vehicle charging point on a wall
The National Travel Attitudes Study (NTAS) found that, of those who said they were planning on buying a new car, 49% would purchase an ultra-low emission vehicle.

The survey also explored the latest perceptions towards public electric vehicle chargepoints.

On our radar 📡

This month's good green idea 💡

Veganuary might be over, but did you know reducing or removing meat from your diet is good for the environment?

Find our cookbook, full of meat free-meals, on our website. You'll also find tips for reducing food waste

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