Primary care bulletin - 15 February 2024
GP cancer bulletin; Covid-19 vaccination update; LGBT+ history month and more

Welcome to this week's primary care bulletin

Key points this week include:
  • GP cancer bulletin
  • Covid-19 vaccination update - Autumn/Winter 2023 campaign
  • LGBT+ history month - Keeping Well NW London
  • Training and webinars including:
    • GP webinars next week
    • Physical activity and low mood webinar
    • General practice community engagement to reduce health inequalities in London
    • Ramadan fasting and diabetes
    • NHS lunch and learn: type 1 diabetes in children
    • LAS webinar series

GP cancer bulletin

This edition of the cancer bulletin includes:
  • Update on the multi-cancer blood test Programme – all practice staff
  • Jewish BRCA programme launched - all GPs
  • Primary care education opportunities:
    • Telephone triage training supports assessment of cancer patients - all clinicians
    • Cancer conversations: cancer in an ageing population – all GPs
  • West London Primary Care education schedule – all practice staff
Accompanying documents:

NHS Jewish BRCA programme full launch - cancer alliances comms
MCBT comms
NHS Jewish BRCA programme - HCP information sheet

COVID-19 vaccination update – Autumn/Winter 2023 campaign

Please note that Autumn/Winter 2023 campaign to all eligible cohorts for a COVID-19 vaccination ended on 31 January 2024. 

Anyone who wishes to receive a COVID-19 vaccination now will need to wait for the start of Spring 2024 campaign.

COVID-19 vaccination of severely immunosuppressed individuals at CP House in Ealing will continue after 31 January 2024. 

Only severely immunosuppressed individuals aged 6 months and over may be considered for catch-up or in some cases additional vaccination before the next seasonal campaign. This will be based on a clinical judgement and aligned to the recommendation in the Green Book.

Please see attached immunosuppressed patient booking pathway and referral form that a NWL GPs and treating physicians will need to complete and email to 

COVID-19 vaccination for the eligible individual will take place at CP House in Ealing (97-107 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, W5 5TL) and appointments will be managed and scheduled by the roving team upon receiving the referral form.

Legal mechanisms for administration

The Patient Group Directions (PGDs) and National Protocols to support the Autumn/Winter 2023/24 COVID-19 vaccination campaign are withdrawn from the NHSE and UKHSA webpages. New documents will be published for the next seasonal COVID-19 vaccination campaign. 

A Patient Specific Direction will be required to support vaccination on a case-by-case basis for severely immunosuppressed individuals, in line with the Green Book Chapter 14a.

Decommissioned / Paused vaccines

The following vaccines have been decommissioned:

Spikevax Original/Omicron BA.4-5 
Comirnaty 10 Concentrate (Original) 
Comirnaty 3 (THREE) Concentrate (Original)

Comirnaty Original/Omicron BA.4-5 has been paused and will be kept in this status until further notice, enabling the programme to reactivate it if required.

Complex patients clinics at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital 

From 1 February 2024, VidPrevtyn Beta vaccine has been decommissioned, as all stock of this vaccine in the UK will have expired. As such, the complex patient clinics at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital will also stop and not accept any referrals from GPs until further notice.

Options regarding non-mRNA vaccines for future campaigns will be shared once confirmed. 

Excess vaccine related consumables

At present, there are no plans for collection of excess vaccine related consumables by the national or ICB teams. So any sites with excess consumables (for example, combined needles & syringe) are requested to offer them to other NHS or providers in local settings providing NHS commissioned services within the ICB/region OR store them safely for potential use in the future campaign.

COVID-19 vaccination update – Spring 2024 campaign

JCVI statement
JCVI statement on COVID-19 vaccination in Spring 2024 and consideration on future COVID-19 vaccination was published on 7 February 2024. 

This can be accessed via link here.

Eligible cohort

In Spring 2024, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advises that a COVID-19 vaccine should be offered to:

· adults aged 75 years and over

· residents in a care home for older adults

· individuals aged 6 months and over who are immunosuppressed (as defined in tables 3 or 4 in the COVID-19 chapter of the Green Book)

This should be offered around 6 months after the last vaccine dose, although operational flexibility around the timing of the spring dose in relation to the last vaccine dose is considered appropriate (with a minimum interval of 3 months between doses). More information on operational flexibility will be provided in the COVID-19 chapter of the Green Book.

Service contract extensions ahead of Spring 2024 campaign

The end date of the current COVID-19 vaccination contracts will be extended from 31 March 2024 to 31 August 2024. At present all providers that took part in Autumn/Winter 2023 campaign are invited to confirm that they wish for their service contract to be extended to 31 August 2024 and are able to continue delivering the COVID-19 vaccination service from 31 March 2024 to 31 August 2024. 

Current providers need to confirm their intention to NWL ICB (for HH, PCN and VC sites) and to London regional team as well (for CP sites) by 22 February 2024.

NWL Programme team is liaising with AW23 participating sites and regional team to ensure feedback is received before 22 February 2024 deadline.

Item of service fee

The COVID-19 vaccination Item of service fee will continue to be £7.54 per COVID-19 vaccine administered. However, in recognition of the limited opportunities for co-administration during Spring/Summer campaigns and inter-seasonal periods, from 1 April 2024 there will be an additional payment of £2.50 for the administration of each COVID-19 vaccine where the seasonal influenza vaccination is not announced and authorised for vaccination by the provider. 

A £10 additional payment will continue to be available for the administration of each COVID-19 vaccine to eligible housebound patients, but there will be no additional payments for care home visits from April 2024.

We will share full operational guidance once it is published.

Flu vaccination update – Autumn/Winter 2023 campaign

The last day of Flu vaccination for all eligible cohorts for the Autumn/Winter 23 campaign will be 31 March 2024.

We thank you for your continued support.

LGBT+ history month – Keeping Well NW London

LGBT+ History Month takes place in February and is an opportunity to celebrate achievements and support LGBTQ+ staff.

This year’s national theme is #UnderTheScope, celebrating LGBT+ people’s contribution to medicine and healthcare – with a focus on LGBTQ+ health inequalities and the amazing work of LGBTQ+ healthcare professionals.  

More information on this year’s theme and ways to get involved can be found here. The Keeping Well website also has a dedicated resources and information page.

We are here to support you. Get in touch with us by:   

Telephone: 0300 123 1705   
Complete a self-referral form 

Education and training

GP webinars next week

In addition to the regular NW London primary care webinar – 21 February – 1-2pm. 

There is also a London wide webinar on measles. Please, where possible send members of your practice to both. 

The NW London webinar will be covering, pending changes to  the medical certificate of cause of death.


London-wide GP webinar - Measles

Wednesday 21 February, 1-2pm

Join on MS teams: Click here to join the meeting 

The session will be presented by paediatric infectious disease consultants and colleagues UKHSA. It will cover:

- Diagnosing measles in primary care 

- How to notify to the health protection team (HPT)

- Vaccinations 

- Infection prevention control and occupational health in general practice.

Physical activity and low mood webinar 

FAO: People in Hillingdon

A webinar is taking place in Hillingdon on Wednesday 21 February from 12.00-1.00pm. 

It is for adults within Hillingdon and will focus on how physical activity can impact our mood, the benefits of exercising and how to find an activity that you will enjoy alongside tips for staying motivated.

Please circulate the attached flyer and promote to anyone who may be interested.

General practice community engagement to reduce health inequalities in London

FAO: ICB primary care leads, general practitioners, nurses, practice managers, social prescribers, and other clinical and non-clinical staff

General Practice in London is facing substantial system pressures and challenges. Yet there is continuous demonstration of exceptional commitment and good practice in tackling health inequalities.

You are invited to complete a 5-minute survey and/or attend a focus group discussion exploring “General Practice community engagement to reduce health inequalities in London”. The purpose of this is to understand variations in practice across London, what is or isn’t working, why, and how best you can be supported.

Download the full letter here.

Link to the survey, the survey takes about 5 minutes and will close on 06/03/2024. 

One-hour focus group discussions will be held online in February/March 2024. Please click this link to select dates and times you will be available.

Ramadan fasting and diabetes

Free diabetes and Ramadan courses will go live on Monday 19 February. These courses are for people with diabetes and healthcare professionals to learn more about managing diabetes safely during Ramadan.

The course for people with diabetes is available in English, Arabic and Malay and there will be live Q&A sessions with diabetes experts to complement the course content.

Registration is open now at 

Please promote amongst colleagues, people living with diabetes and your own networks.

NHS lunch & learn: type 1 diabetes in children

Tuesday 27 February 12.00-1.00pm

Click here to register

LAS webinar series

Webinars have been set up to help healthcare colleagues effectively use the dedicated Healthcare Professionals (HCP) line number, which enables healthcare professionals to request an emergency ambulance.

Webinars are taking place on the following dates:
Click here to download the invitation for further information.