Primary care bulletin - 30 April 2024
Pharmacy opening times over the bank holidays; CVD self management platform; GP cancer bulletin and more

Welcome to this week's primary care bulletin

Key points this week include:
  • Pharmacy opening times over the May Day and Spring Bank Holiday
  • Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) self management platform
  • Spring 24 Covid-19 vaccination of immunosuppressed individuals (6 months and over)
  • GP cancer bulletin
  • GP connect update
  • Medical devices database
  • National day for staff networks - Keeping Well NW London
  • Training, webinars and more

Pharmacy opening times over the May Day and Spring Bank Holiday

The table attached provides the opening hours for pharmacies in North West London which have been asked to open over the May Day and Spring Bank Holiday. 

Please share with patients or direct them to the ICS website. 

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) self management platform 

My Health London is a NW London approved digital platform designed to support individuals either living with or at risk of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD).

The new digital platform is now available for PCNs to sign up to. Practices are invited to sign up via the DCC (Data Controller Console) which is similar to the Know Diabetes sign up page.

Please fill in this expression of interest form, or contact Digital Programme Manager Ian Reddington 

The MyHealthLondon operations team should facilitate sign up and ensure the invite gets sent out to your practice as part of phase one. 

Spring 24 Covid-19 vaccination of immunosuppressed individuals (6 months and over)

Download the update here. 

GP cancer bulletin 

This edition of the cancer bulletin includes:
  • DES requirements for Early Cancer Diagnosis 2024/25 – All practice staff
  • Introducing….new Borough GP Cancer Leads for Harrow and Hounslow
    • A reminder of the support that borough GP Cancer Leads can offer to PCNs – All practice staff
  • Temporary pause to cervical and bowel cancer screening SMS reminders – ACTION FOR PRACTICES: All practice staff
  • RMP Local Research & Innovation Fund 24/25 - Call for EOI - deadline Friday 10 May 2024 - All GPs
  • The British Menopause Society (BMS) guideline for Management of unscheduled bleeding on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – All practice staff
  • Gateway C:  Training resources for May – All Practice staff
  • West London Primary Care education schedule – All practice staff
Accompanying documents:

GP connect update  

Practices may have noticed post consultation reports from pharmacies coming via GP Connect: Update Record.

Please be aware that not all pharmacy reports will come via GP Connect: Update Record and practices will still receive some pharmacy reports as PDFs via NHSmail, due to a variety of reasons, although this is likely to reduce over time.  

Messages regarding urgent medicines supply will continue to come into GP systems as they currently do.
The attached document will give you an understanding about the Update Record service. For more information about what this means for your practice clinical system, please visit:

EMIS Practices: EMIS Web - GP Connect Update Record (

SystmOne Practices: Pharmacy First – TPP (

This will also be discussed on the borough user groups

Central, West and Hammersmith & Fulham – Thursday 9 May 2024 @ 12:00 - Click here to join the meeting 

Brent, Harrow and Hillingdon – Thursday 9 May 2024 @ 13:00 - Click here to join the meeting 

Ealing and Hounslow – Tuesday 14 May 2024 @ 13:00 - Click here to join the meeting 

Medical devices database

As part of the primary care medical devices MOU process agreed in early 2023 (see attached), the PCNs across North West London ICB were given funding to cover the cost of refreshing your medical devices.

The next step is to upgrade some software on your computers.
This is the responsibility of the medical device suppliers and practices to arrange, the work needs to be completed before 9 July 2024. Anything using SQL 2014 or below will become unsupported & unusable. 
You must have the newer medical devices and software (where applicable) so that they continue to record on your clinical system.

If you are still using old equipment (medical devices), then these will stop recording on your clinical system when SQL 2014 is disabled post 9 July 2024.

If you are concerned if your equipment is old, then please contact your medical equipment supplier ASAP, who will advise you.

If you need to refresh any medical equipment, then please do this immediately.

Please speak to your PCN about the funding for medical device upgrades. 

We are planning to begin scheduling the software deactivation from 9 July 2024, so please ensure you have the appropriate medical devices and needed Software in place by then.

Further information will be published closer to the time.

Example: Welch Allyn ABPM/ECG (Cardio Perfect), the software includes as a dependency the installation and the use of Microsoft SQL server to store data, the version of SQL server is dependent on the medical device hardware. The practice needs to ensure that the software and the hardware is up to date with no vulnerable software still installed which includes SQL server 2014 and below used by ABPM/ECG software.

National day for staff networks – Keeping Well NW London

Wednesday 8 May is National Day for Staff Networks. Staff Networks encourage collaboration, support aligned activity and further inspire the voice of network members. The networks provide space to bring people together and share experiences. They can also help to address problems faced by staff from under-represented groups. 

You can find out more about which staff networks are available here and on the dedicated Keeping Well Academy page with information about current networks and guidance on setting up your own.

The team at Keeping Well are here to support you. Get in touch by:     

Telephone: 0300 123 1705  
Complete a self-referral form 

Education and training

Quality Improvement Workshop: Collaborative working and the future

Wednesday 8 May 12.30pm - 2.30pm
15 Marylebone Rd room G2 / MS Teams 

To confirm your attendance or enquire contact  

This workshop is for GPs, GPNs, practice managers and pharmacists currently involved in patient primary quality activities.


The health and care landscape has changed considerably since ‘Shared Commitment to Quality’ was published by the National Quality Board in 2016.

Health and Social Care Act (2012) states that NHS England has a duty to continually drive improvements in the quality of care across a comprehensive health service. Quality is defined in statute as having three dimensions: safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience. Our quality duty applies across all of NHS England’s functions. 

It is important to map out some of our main formal quality functions around 4 areas: 
  • Monitoring the quality of services 
  • Complaints and concerns 
  • Professional regulation 
  • Untoward incidents 
Quality of care is the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes.  It is based on evidence-based professional knowledge and is critical for achieving universal health coverage. 

Workshop objectives:

1. To explore the current quality improvement priorities and challenges across boroughs, the Federation, PCNs and GP practices.

2. To discuss and refine new quality metrics for NWL Primary Care, focusing on improving patient safety, clinical effectiveness, and patient experience based on nationally agreed standards. 

3. To solicit and incorporate feedback on proposed targets and timeframes, fostering a collaborative approach to quality improvement in primary care settings.

4. To focus on incident management and infection control: to strengthen incident reporting, complaint monitoring and infection prevention controls, emphasising continuous learning and supporting our workforce in improving patient care through reflective learning and continuous improvement.

5. To outline strategic initiatives for long-term improvements in primary care, including workforce training and the integration of technology to support quality assurance and patient outcomes.

Additional information

This workshop is part of the NW London quality improvement commitment to the patients and service users within NW London primary care. The overarching aim of which is ‘to ensure positive patient experience, service effectiveness and provide safe and patient centred care through reflection, learning and continuous improvement.

Asylum seeker and refugee workshop

Tuesday 7 May 2024 from 1.00 - 2.15 pm

The NHS Legacy and Health Equity Partnership (LHEP) invite you to an engaging online workshop tailored for system leaders and the General Practice workforce in London.

The primary objective of this workshop is to collectively pinpoint the next steps and actionable outputs that will enhance the delivery of quality General Practice care to Asylum Seekers and Refugees.

During the workshop, the team will provide context, present a case study, and then facilitate breakout sessions to gather your valuable perspectives. Your insights will play a pivotal role in shaping health policy and fostering improvements within the healthcare system in London.

Please register for a ticket by clicking the link.

For any queries contact