15 January 2025
Local Capacity and Access Improvement Payment; Vaccination updates; Warning on phishing scams; and more.

Welcome to this week's primary care bulletin

Key points this week include:
  • Local Capacity and Access Improvement Payment (CAIP)
  • Warning: Phishing and mobile phone message scams
  • GPs able to prescribe antiviral medication for flu
  • School aged flu vaccination programme - catch up clinics extended into January and February
  • School aged vaccination programmes data
  • Important information on RSV and dTaP/IPV
  • Community pharmacy and GP practice views on early career pharmacist development
  • Needle stick and splash injury materials
  • Burnout Group - Keeping Well (for staff).
Webinars and training, including:
  • OneLondon lunch and learn session – introducing the London Care Record
  • ICHP masterclass - fiendish cases - learning from real life polypharmacy - medicines optimisation case-based discussions
  • Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) personalisation event.

If you have any submissions for this bulletin please email them to the communications inbox - nhsnwl.communications.nwl@nhs.net To view any previous editions click here

Local Capacity and Access Improvement Payment (CAIP)

We wish to confirm the Local Capacity and Access Improvement Payment (CAIP) requirements, assessment criteria and the evidence that NHS North West London requires to enable us to release funds within the year.

Please note that all claims can only be in relation to activity up to 31 March 2025 but can be received up to 30 April 2025.

  • All assurance forms need to be signed by the clinical lead for each PCN who are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information supplied
  • PCNs can claim payment for each of the 3 components separately and at different times in the year, they need to confirm compliance with all that’s required for that specific component. They can’t ask for partial payment of a component if they are only partially compliant
  • The Digital Transformation Team will check with the regional teams that the practices have signed the data sharing agreements (DPNs) for digital telephony (DT) and online consultations (OC)
  • Care navigation evidence should additionally have a flow chart/process map  which shows the patients journey if contacting the practice by online, face-to-face or telephone to ensure a consistent approach
  • All assurance forms should be sent to the NHS North West London Primary Care Digital Transformation team at nhsnwl.digitalfirst@nhs.net for processing.
For your information we have attached the following information
  1. Original practice letter sent from Julie Sands. - Primary care are looking after the budget on this incentive but as the payment is based on digital competencies the Digital Transformation team are approving the applications
  2. The CAP assurance form - needs to be completed for any of the three components being claimed: Better digital telephony (DT); Simpler online consultations (OC); Faster care navigation, assessment, and response
  3. FAQs - for help around any queries
  4. DES contract - highlights the elements pertaining to the Local CAIP payment p51 - 53.
School aged flu vaccination programme - catch up clinics extended into January and February

In light of the high flu levels currently being seen and a high number of this cohort hospitalised, the School Aged Vaccination flu programme has been extended and Catch Up Clinics are currently running for any school aged children (Aged 4 to 16 – School Years Reception to Year 11) who missed their vaccination at school. Dates and times available by borough via the link below and more dates are currently being planned in each borough and will be release shortly so please keep checking. Contact details for each borough are also on the website alongside the dates here.

School aged vaccination programmes data

Data has been sent to all practices from CNWL regarding children who had received their adolescent imms, flu imms or neonatal BCG from CNWL. The emails were sent by Jamal Hassan from CNWL, the subject heading title 'Final Immunisation Lists'. They were sent to generic practice inboxes in October and November 2024. Please may practices ensure that they have updated clinical records from this data as we have had queries regarding missing data recently. For any queries, please contact: cnw-tr.hillingdonchildrencc@nhs.net.

Important information on RSV and dTaP/IPV

See the update attached.
Patient SMS Messaging – November data

We are writing to share the latest November 2024 SMS fragment data and update on patient messaging within north west London. Please find attached the SMS fragment allocation for April - November 24/25. This data shows the usage of both Accurx and all messages sent via your clinical system, which includes online consultations suppliers. Please note that there is also information about the number of messages that have been sent via the NHS App.

As you are aware the overall SMS allocation for 24/25 was set at 45p per patient. As we are now in the last quarter of this financial year we ask that all GP practices understand how they are tracking against the allocation set for your GP practice. We know that 38 GP practices in north west London have gone over the allocation with 146 practices in the red (meaning that they are likely to exceed the allocation). Please use the ‘practice forecast spend’ tab to see when your practice is likely to exceed the cap.

This may mean that your GP practice will be charged for SMS messages at the end of the financial year. Although this is being raised as a consideration, it is worth noting that as an ICB we are currently tracking within the north west London allocation. If the current position continues GP practices would not be charged as NHS North West London would take the cumulative figure.

Please also note at the SMS allocation will reduce in April 2025 – March 2026 to 30p per patient. This was signed off by NHS North West London as part of the three year SMS business case. To support GP practices with the reduction we will continue to send the monthly data dashboard. This will be updated to show the forecast spend of 30p per patient in all GP practices – therefore there will be a new total amount per practice for SMS messages. We understand the pressure that this may cause general practice and will continue to send monthly data and insights as well as host training webinars and information from other regions. NHS North West London is also working with NHS England to ensure that SMS costs do not increase.

Furthermore, please note that we have updated the SMS allocation percentages to include seasonal messages and the increase in messages during March for QOF, we have changed the allocation from a 6% increase per month to 9% from October 2024 – February 2025 and will be at 15% in March. This may mean that GP practices move from amber to red or red to purple but we have done this to help practices stay within their allocation or see how much they may be charged at the end of the year.

The Digital Transformation and Delivery Team will be presenting information about SMS and the NHS App and the primary care webinar on 15 January 2025.

Further details about funding and pricing are attached.
GPs able to prescribe antiviral medication for flu

Unfortunately we are still seeing high numbers of influenza which is causing significant illness including through hospital admission and an increase in fatalities. As you will see by the attached letter – anti-virals are being advised in appropriate cases and we strongly encourage primary care to consider prescribing these when required.

You can prescribe antiviral medication for patients in a clinically at-risk group as well as for anyone at risk of severe illness and/or complications from influenza if not treated.

There are no reported issues with the supply and ordering of antiviral medication with general turnaround time expected within 24 hours (potentially quicker than this if required).
Warning: Phishing and mobile phone message scams

There are an increasing number of phishing and mobile phone message scams, including those on WhatsApp. These scams can trick you into giving away personal information or money. Read important advice about keeping safe.

Community pharmacy and GP practice views on early career pharmacist development

From 2026 new registrants will enter the pharmacist workforce as independent prescribers. This new generation of early careers pharmacists (ECP) will require education and career pathways that are aligned to their new skills and knowledge and enable the further development of these to meet service delivery needs. 

We are inviting all those who are involved in the training and development of early careers pharmacists to help shape the post-2026 vision for early career pharmacist education and training. This includes ICS pharmacy workforce leads, all sector employers, managers, and supervisors. Please use the survey link below to share your views. Outcomes of the survey will be collated to support the national work on post-registration training for early careers pharmacists.

Please circulate this survey more widely across your system and organisation and to colleagues and peers in Community Pharmacy and GP Practice.

We particularly need more feedback from community pharmacy and GP practice/PCN pharmacists due to a low representation rate in the responses to date.

The survey will close on Friday 31 January 2025. Access the survey here.
Needle stick and splash injury materials

Please see the attached information pack for healthcare workers.

There is also a patient information leaflet.
Burnout Group - Keeping Well (for staff)

Feeling overwhelmed? Is work stress affecting your mental health and leading to you feeling burnt out? Keeping Well will be facilitating the Burnout Group which will be running for 6 consecutive weeks, starting on Wednesday 5 February 2025, 1:30 – 3pm.   

The sessions will incorporate Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) protocols as a means of promoting positive wellbeing using psychological techniques, reflective exercises and group discussions.       

How to join 

We have a limited number of spaces remaining. If you would like to join, you can use the self-referral form and select the option "join a burnout group". We will arrange a brief assessment call with those interested in joining to ensure the group is a suitable support. Please note that this is a closed group and attendees are encouraged to attend every session.  

Education and training

OneLondon lunch and learn session – introducing the London Care Record

Making the right information available to health and care professionals at the right time can save lives and can improve the safety and quality of the treatment and care people receive.

The London Care Record does just that. It is a single and secure view of a person’s health and care information and is used by over 100,000 frontline staff each month supporting them to provide safe and effective care more quickly.

If more health and care professionals use the London Care Record then more patients will benefit from the joined-up care it supports.

If you want to find out more about the London Care Record join the OneLondon team for a short and free Lunch and Learn session between on Thursday 16 January 2025, 12 - 12.50pm. The session will provide:

  • A brief overview of the London Care Record and an opportunity to ask questions about this vital tool
  • An opportunity to hear from a range of different health and care professionals about how the London Care Record supports them in their roles.
More information about the 16 January 2025 session and registration details are available here.

If you have any questions please do contact the OneLondon Team at enquiries.onelondon@nhs.net
ICHP masterclass - fiendish cases - learning from real life polypharmacy - medicines optimisation case-based discussions

Dr Graham Stretch (PCPA President, Partner Argyle GP, Lead Pharmacist Ealing Community Partners) would like to invite you to attend our upcoming 'fendish cases - learning from real life polypharmacy - medicines optimisation case-based discussion webinar' on Wednesday 12 February 2025, 12 - 2pm.
This masterclass will help you to address the complexities of polypharmacy. Learn how to navigate ethical and clinical challenges while applying structured approaches to deprescribing and medication reviews (SMRs). Explore practical solutions to managing complex cases, with real-world examples covering frailty, dysphagia, and high-risk medications. Through engaging discussions and case studies, you will explore tools and frameworks to refine your approach to polypharmacy whilst discussing best practices and resources for ongoing professional development in medicines optimisation.
Please bring along any questions for discussion.  
Please click here to register for the session.

For further information and/or to get involved with the ICHP polypharmacy programme please contact Amar Singh.
Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) personalisation event

North West London Personalisation, in collaboration with the North West London Training Hub are hosting an ARRS personalisation networking event for health and wellbeing coaches, social prescribers and care coordinators on Friday 7 February 2025, 10am - 3pm. With a range of inspirational talks fostering recent and relevant innovations in the sector, in addition to wellbeing sessions and external visitors from a wide range of organisations.

The day aims to be of great value to all colleagues who attend and promote best practice in patient centred care. For any questions or more information, please email nhsnwl.ipplannedcare@nhs.net.