Primary care bulletin - 21 December 2023
A message from Rob Hurd and Penny Dash; urgent treatment centre bookings into primary care; system updates and more

A message from Rob Hurd and Penny Dash

As we come to the end of the year we wanted to thank you all for your incredibly hard work. General practice is at the heart of the care provided by the NHS and enables us to deliver high quality services which meet our patient’s needs. We know there has been huge amounts of pressure on primary care following on from the pandemic and as ever you have worked tirelessly to deliver the best care that you can. 

We understand that you may have also felt the effects of the restructure within the ICS and thank you for supporting each other, colleagues and teams to ensure services remain running well.  

As we approach the New Year and no doubt more challenges ahead we are hugely grateful for the efforts GP’s, practice staff and all those working in primary care continue to make. Thank you for the time and dedication that you put into supporting our patients to provide them with the best healthcare. 

We hope you have some time to relax over the festive period and wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Rob Hurd, Chief Executive NW London ICS

Penny Dash, Chair of NW London ICS

Welcome to this week's primary care bulletin

Key points this week include:

This will be the final bulletin of 2023. Wishing you a happy festive season and best wishes for the New Year!
  • A message from Rob and Penny
  • Pharmacy opening times over the Christmas period
  • NW London urgent treatment centres bookings into primary care
  • Seasonal influenza vaccine uptake amongst GP patients, monthly data collection November survey
  • Deadline for housebound referrals into the NW London roving team
  • North West London adult crisis and acute mental health pathway
  • Winter wellness information from our trusts in NW London
  • Abortion services information on Systm 1 and EMIS
  • Update from the personalisation team
  • Systems updates
  • Training, webinars and more

Pharmacy opening times over the Christmas period

We have now published the final rota for pharmacy opening times over the Christmas and New Year period. 

Please remind patients to order and collect their prescriptions for over the festive period, as Bank Holidays can affect the opening hours of local pharmacies.

The full list of opening times have been published on our website.

NWL urgent treatment centres bookings into primary care

In some of our NWL Boroughs there is direct digital booking in place for patients to be sent from UTCs into our GP Practice / Hubs. 

For the boroughs that do not have this in process in place, please be advised that when required, UTCs will telephone the GP Practice /Hub via the bypass number(s) to request the patient to be booked into a Primary Care 111/UTC Redirection slot.

This is a reminder that you may receive telephone calls from NWL UTCs to move patients downstream, where appropriate, as we go into the height of our winter demand.

Please also remind patients to collect their repeat prescriptions ahead of the festive period.

Seasonal influenza vaccine uptake amongst GP patients, monthly data collection November survey

Please note that the second, November manual data collection for the Influenza Vaccine Uptake (GP Patients) is now open.

Data collected in each survey is cumulative and should therefore include all influenza vaccinations delivered since the start of this year’s programme.

This is a reminder that the manual submission is now open. Please check to ensure your data has been automatically uploaded by your GP IT supplier. If there is data on ImmForm, no further action is required. 

However, if no data is showing, you will be required to provide a manual upload of the data onto ImmForm by the closing date, Monday, 18 December 2023 (closing 23:59).
We are aware that due to an update to the GP IT supplier’s software, some GP Practices are no longer able to submit their data manually.

Due to reduced capacity within the UKHSA Influenza surveillance team, extensions to the deadline are not possible. If you are concerned about submitting your data in time, please contact as a matter of urgency. The full schedule of monthly collections is detailed below:

The link to submit your data is:

If you are having issues accessing ImmForm or entering your data please contact the helpdesk via

Deadline for housebound referrals into the NW London roving team

The NWL Roving Team would like to thank you all for your continued support and a successful Autumn 2023 COVID-19 and Influenza vaccination campaign.

As you may already know the National Booking System closes today (15 December 2023).

The NWL Roving Team will continue to deliver out-reach and mop-up any outstanding housebound patients until 31 January 2024. With a need to manage capacity and delivery, we would like to remind all partners that Friday 12 January 2024 will be the last date for housebound referrals to be received into the NWL Roving Team.

North West London adult crisis and acute mental health pathway

Working with local providers, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) has produced a flowchart to help clinical professionals navigate the adult crisis and acute mental health pathway. This includes guidance on:

- front door services

- admission avoidance

- inpatient care

- community stepdown. 

Click here to download the flowchart 

Winter wellness information from our trusts in NW London 

Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL) and West London NHS Trust have both published winter wellness pages to signpost the range of services provided by the trusts and broader NHS-approved organisations. 

These services can help patients who present in primary care seeking support with their physical and mental health and wellbeing over the colder months. We encourage you to share this information with patients where suitable:

Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust Winter Wellness 

West London NHS Trust Winter Wellness

Abortion services information on Systm 1 and EMIS 

Further to the update provided to practices about the end of the Abortion Services Central Booking Service, some queries have been received regarding the replacement ICB website link (and automated phoneline) and the information on GP IT systems.  Please read the information below to assist with these queries for SystmOne and EMIS practices.

A short-url bitly link has been created for the Abortion services website information to help with the sensitivity of this information - 

Systm 1 

1. You can find an updated self-referral form/leaflet (for patients) with HSA1 certificate. It is called ‘Abortion Termination of Pregnancy TOP HSA1 Certificate NWL’

2. Contact details for the NWL Abortion services are included within the S1 Address Book under ‘NWL Abortion /Termination of Pregnancy Services Information’. This includes the contact number for the automated information telephone line and the bitly link to the information on the ICB website.

3. Communication Annexe: You can find a Preset Message to send to patients via SMS/Email, which includes the NWL bitly weblink and automated phoneline. To find the preset message, search for “Abortion” under Preset (in Communication Annexe) as per the screenshot below.


Contact details for the NWL Abortion services are included within the document templates section (NWL ICS Abortion Services /Termination of Pregnancy). GPs are able to copy this and include within a text to be shared with patients.

A self referral form/leaflet with HSA1 certificate has also been developed and is stored within the same folder. It is called ‘Abortion Termination of Pregnancy TOP HSA1 Certificate NWL’

If you have any further queries regarding the above please contact

Update from the personalisation team

The personalisation team in NW London aims to ensure the care that people receive is tailored to them and best fits their needs.

The team held a successful Community of Practice event in November on chronic pain, creating a safe and accepting space where professionals can listen to, recognise, understand and support people with chronic pain. The Community of Practice events are an important way of sharing expertise and learning within and between services. Click here to find out more.

Earlier this month, the team held a joint event with the NW London Training hub, which was a networking day for social prescribers, care coordinators and health and wellbeing coaches. The day included a talk on lifestyle medicine from Dr Tony Willis, emotional resilience and breath work training, chair massage, and interaction with providers including London sport and Macmillan cancer support. There were over 180 attendees and representation from all eight boroughs. The event was a great success with really positive feedback.

To find out more about the team, or if you have any further queries, please email Kalwant Sahota, Programme Delivery Manager, at

Systems update

ODS codes

As practice managers and partners leave, there is a need to make sure that we keep the ODS Website (NHS Digital ODS Portal) up to date. 

If you notice that something is not right, for example the IG area, then please email and they will be able to support you.

SystmOne address book update

The Community Pharmacy Consultation Service  will be changing its name to “Pharmacy First” on 31st January 2024. In preparation for this, the team will be changing the name of the Address Book entries over the next couple of weeks.

New SystmOne generic referral form

The NHS North West London SystmOne Change Approval Board have created a new referral form that will now be introduced to those services that do not have their own referral form.

SystmOne Covid Auto-Consultation - moved

The 00 COVID19 templates have moved to 18. Respiratory (including COVID folder) within auto-consultation menu.

EMIS letter reconfiguration

Over the coming weeks the letters within EMIS Resource Publisher will be re-named to the following:

All Brent forms will become NWL Brent 

ALL Harrow Forms will become NWL Harrow 

All Hillingdon forms will become NWL HILL 

All NWL Specific will become NWL ICS 

If you have any other letters, please forward them on to the IT Service Desk, where the development team and the Primary Care IT leads will work through them to get them published.

ICB IG webpage

Should you need any IG or DSPT support click here. 

Here you can find out all about the Priamry Care Information Governance, including the NHS NWL SystmOne Sharing Rules List (aka White list), the use of the Data Controller Console (DCC) and the use of Honorary Contracts.

Prospective records update

Practices that had a large number of patients with the 104 code on their record should still be working on reducing this number to about 5-10% of their practice population.  

If you need support in identifying the patients, then please contact the team via the service desk.

You can contact the Primary Care Systems Team by:

NWL Self-Serve for corporate and General Practice only

020 3350 4050

* please do not send any Patient Identifiable Data*

Education and training

NWL Homeless Health Clinical Community of Practice 

Thursday 18 January 2024 12:00-13:00

This is a network bringing together clinicians working in primary care who have an interest in homeless/inclusion health, and aims to offer opportunities to clinicians to extend their skills, development and support in this area of care. 

The future direction of the community of practice can be shaped by its members, but in the first meeting, we intend to cover:

· A talk on Personality Disorder from a guest speaker - Dr Jacob King, ST4 Academic Clinical Fellow in General Adult Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry, Imperial College London & Westminster Psychotherapy & Complex Emotional Needs pathway, CNWL

· Hear the results of a survey of NWL practices and their experiences caring for patients experiencing homelessness

· Identify future development that would support GPs working in this area

· Shape the future direction of care for this population
All clinicians working in primary care are welcome.

Click here to join the meeting 

Or email Claire Wilson to find out more information -

Polypharmacy action learning set workshops

Cohort eleven - 24 January, 7 February and 28 February 2024 9:30-12:15

Cohort twelve - 25 January, 8 February and 22 February 2024 9:30-12:15

The National Polypharmacy Programme invites you to join the Action Learning Set (ALS) to help build GP and prescribing health care professionals’ confidence in, and understanding of, the complex issue surrounding and stopping inappropriate medicines safely. Delegates need to attend all three sessions. The ALS with also help PCNs deliver the medicines optimisation elements of the new Directed Enhanced Services contract and contributes to the QoF.

To learn more about the Polypharmacy ALS please click here, to register for either: 

Cohort 11 please click here

Cohort 12 please click here

Virtual online consultation training

Do you want to learn more about online consultation in North West London & the features available to you & your practice?

Register now and join in these practical online sessions with opportunity for Q&A included.

PATCHS 23 January 2024

12.30-13.15 Clinician Focus

Register @

13.15-14.00 Non-Clinician Focus

Register @

eConsult 24th January 2024


Register @

Online consultation action learning

By Popular demand new in person Action Learning dates have been added for 2024!

You are invited to collaborate with clinical and non-clinical colleagues and sessions are now open for all staff using NWL Online Consultation Platforms.

Find out more here

Patchs Action Learning Set Dates

Ferguson House, 15 Marylebone Road

16th January 2024 @13.30-15.45

6th February 2024 @13.30-15.45

eConsult Action Learning Set Dates

Perceval House, 14/16 Uxbridge Road

5th March 2024 @ 13.30-15.45

12th March 2024 @ 13.30-15.45

Sign up now to secure your place on the Learning Hub

Or email: with your name, role, practice and choice of date