Primary care bulletin - 24 January 2024
Measles/MMR vaccination; best practice for cervical screen takers; Soho Walk-In centre service update and more

Welcome to this week's primary care bulletin

Key points this week include:
  • Measles/MMR Vaccination
  • Best practice for cervical screen takers
  • Medical E-Governance deadline
  • Children and young people bulletin
  • NHS England infection diagnosis digital coding survey
  • Soho Walk-In Centre service restoration update
  • Important changes to medical certificate of Cause of Death coming soon! The go-live of the Medical Examiners Service
  • Outcome of the recent CHIS procurement across London
  • PCN laptops and desktops supply
  • Universal care plans are now available to patients to view on the NHS App
  • Man On! - WatfordFC wellbeing
  • Join a burnout group with Keeping Well NWL
  • Training, webinars and more

Measles/MMR vaccination 

You will be aware of the recent escalation in media coverage and interest in measles and the MMR vaccine in recent days.  This follows an escalation of cases in the West Midlands – centred around the east of Birmingham/Coventry areas where they have seen over 200 cases in recent week.

Since 1 January 2024 the NW London Health Protection Team (UKHSA) have reported an increase in the number of suspected measles cases across NWL. There have been 30 suspected cases to date, of which 7 have been laboratory confirmed.

NHSE is expanding its national invitation and reminder scheme in the next few weeks, by inviting those aged 6 to 11 years old who are missing their first or second MMR vaccination. Further information will be circulated to practices as we receive it.

If a child or adult presents with signs and symptoms of measles please consider this a differential diagnosis and contact the NW London Health Protection Team as soon as you suspect or become aware of a suspected case of measles (9am-5pm Mon-Fri 0300 30 30 450 or out-of-hours on 0300 30 30 450).

Please find the national lines and UKHSA toolkit on measles here. 

There is also a lot of resources on our web pages and for professionals here which are being updated as we receive information.

If you get local media enquiries  - please do link in with us using our media inbox

Thank you for your continued support.

Best practice for cervical screen takers

FAO: Clinical staff

NHSE has notified the NWL ICB Chief Nurse about a healthcare professional performing cervical screens within one of the NWL General Practices without adhering to the cervical screening training requirements.

While this case needs investigating and for us to learn from, all practices must continue to ensure cervical screening takers meet the required training and updates to perform this procedure.

All cervical screeners must:
  • Be registered with their designated regulatory body.
  • Have attended a recognised cervical screening takers training, which includes theory and supervised practice
  • Have their practice portfolio submitted and signed off?
  • Have an individual and unique cervical screening code that must be included in all cervical screening requests.
  • All cervical screening samples must be requested through Tquest. This ensures an auditable trace of the sample and adheres to governance.
  • All cervical screening takers must complete a three-yearly update. This can be accessed via the e-learning for Health website.
Further best practice information is available below:

If you require any support or have any queries, please contact your Borough Professional Lead.

Medical E-Governance deadline 

FAO: Clinical staff

Thank you to all practices who have signed up to MEG and completed your annual audits so far! 

The Medical (or Clinical) E-Governance tool (MEG), is an audit software tool for primary care to complete their statutory annual Infection Control Audit.  MEG helps to demonstrate compliance with IPC regulation and accreditation standards in one place which can be accessed via mobile devices and a desktop. 

This is an extremely valuable software tool which simplifies the audit process and allows you to access support from the IPC team. If you haven’t already, please sign up today!

Sign-up deadline: Thursday 1 February 2024

To sign up each practice should request login details using this link:

**Please note that each practice can only have one login, so if there are multiple IPC leads, they will need to share the details with their colleagues** 

Click here to access a recording of one of the previous training sessions. If there are questions related to MEG and how to use the software, please contact  

If the questions are about the clinical audit process or anything related to NW London, please contact Georgina Terry (

Children and young people bulletin

FAO: All those who work with babies, children and young people. The update provides a snapshot of all things CYP

Thank you to you all for your continued hard work keeping our babies, children and young people safe and well through the winter season.  

A huge amount of work goes into these crucial months and seeing professionals from across the system come together, supporting each other to care for our smaller people and their families should be a source of tremendous pride for all of us.

Click here to download the update. 

NHS England infection diagnosis digital coding survey

FAO: All those in a primary care setting, caring for patients with common acute infections, and enter relevant details in the electronic health record

NHS England has commissioned NECS to develop a shortlist of recommended digital codes for common acute infection syndromes encountered in primary care. Implementation of a shortlist of recommended codes list is expected to bring a number of benefits, including:

• Improved patient safety through better communication and continuity of patient care

•  Accurate information on burden of disease and significant changes over time

• More efficient coding, supported by digital systems, to save time for clinicians

• Insights into antibiotic prescribing by diagnosis to understand variation in practice

This 10-15 minute survey is intended to validate the recommendations of a Clinical and Digital Reference Group that reviewed SNOMED codes for common acute infection syndromes.

The survey will be open for two weeks, between Monday 15th January and Friday 26th January 2024.  

Soho Walk-In Centre service restoration update

FAO: Clinical staff and those making referrals

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust are happy to announce that Soho Walk-In Centre is continuing in its service restoration and is now open on Thursday and Friday from 8.00am-6.00pm for booked appointment only. It will be led by two nurse practitioners effective from 18 January 2024.

Access to service

The service will be directly bookable into via SystmOne by E-hubs, GPs and NHS 111.  

Booking an appointment

To book an appointment, an econsult or equivalent will need to be completed and visible on SystmOne to demonstrate a clinical triage. This gives assurance that the patient meets the criteria and is appropriate for the service. The appointment will be open and bookable 7.00am onwards for an appointment that day.
Just to empathise there is no walk-in pathway at Soho Walk-In Centre it is currently an appointment only service, please see attached criteria to ensure you are booking patients within service scope.

We hope this supports system partners and will continue to focus on restoring the service further, any questions please contact or

Important changes to medical certificate of Cause of Death coming soon!
The go-live of the Medical Examiners Service

The Medical Examiner (ME) Service is still in motion for Spring 2024 but we do not have a clear date of statute. Across NW London we are still working with practices to ensure all GPs are using the service.

Being ready to use the Medical Examiner service

For the Medical Examiner Service GP practices need to be set up with the new IT system. 

The NW London IT team can support practices with the set-up please contact:

Guides for SystmOne and EMIS can be found below – along with FAQs, staff and public information on the ME service.
NEW: Medical examiner process :: North West London ICS (

Practices already using the ME service - please continue to do so, we would like all practices using the service by April.

Along with go-live of the ME service there are changes to the legislation on medical certificates of cause death (MCCD) and we are waiting for clarity on a date for these changes to become statute. For now, we would like all GPs to be aware these changes are coming

Changes to the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD)

1. A revised version of the MCCD is imminent. New MCCD books will be issued nationally -  the new medical certificates of cause of death must be used from the date of statute – old ones will be rejected from the date of statute.

a. New certificate books will be ordered for GP practices and distributed by the Department of Health.

2. The requirements for issuing a MCCD have changed. This no longer needs to be a medical practitioner who has seen the patient alive in the last 28 days of life, but any practitioner who has seen the patient in life. They must be able to formulate cause of death “to the best of their knowledge and belief”.

3. New fields will also be added to the MCCD:
  • Ethnicity
  • Presence/absence of a medical device
  • Additional line 1d - The cause of death is currently expressed as immediate, direct cause of death and its underlying causes (1a, 1b and 1c) and any contributory causes of death (II). With the new legislation, and to bring us in line with other countries, section 1 will be expanded to have 1d as well as 1a-c.
Changes to the process

4. From the date of statute, the MCCD must be sent to the Registrar office by the Medical Examiner’s office.  The completed MCCD must therefore be sent to the ME office by the GP, and not direct to the Registrar office

5. The MCCD will be signed by the Medical Examiner before it is then sent to the Registrar.  The ME’s office will CC the GP.

6. The crematorium form 4 is being abolished as this new process will be in place.

Outcome of the recent CHIS procurement across London

FAO: GP practices

NHS England London are pleased to announce that the recent child health information service (CHIS) procurement process has successfully concluded.

All current providers were successful in securing a further 5+2yrs contract to provide CHIS services in the areas below. Each CHIS area is bordering with ICS boundaries.

North East London – North East London Foundation Trust, contact
North Central London – North East London Foundation Trust, contact
North West London – InHealthIntelligence, contact
South East London - InHealthIntelligence, contact
South West London – Your Healthcare CIC, contact
Whilst new contracts start from 1 April 2024, stakeholders will not notice the transition between now and then. 

Stakeholders who interact with CHIS services will receive a formal notification from the CHIS in due course but it is anticipated that contact details will remain the same.

This is an exciting opportunity to further build on the data and IT developments initiated across London during the polio and MMR phases 1&2.

PCN laptops and desktops supply  

The ICB currently have a limited stock of laptops and desktop computers available for PCN and ARRS use. 

If practices within PCNs are fully utilising all the existing laptops and desktops that have been allocated and there are PCN/ARRS staff employed that require devices, please submit requests to the Service Desk by following the attached guide. 

Accompanying guide notes. 

If you don’t have an icon/shortcut you can use the web address to reach the portal: 

Inventory information for this stock of equipment can be provided upon request. Requests will be approved, subject to assessment and availability of stock.

Universal care plans are now available to patients to view on the NHS App 

The Universal Care Plan (UCP) Programme are pleased to announce that all patients with a UCP will be able to view their care plans on the NHS App from 23 January 2024. The wider rollout across London follows a successful soft launch with 20 GP practices in London which took place in November 2023. This development will increase visibility of patients’ wishes and preferences, and improve transparency between clinician, patients and carers.

It is best practice to create a UCP after having a discussion with a patient and no one should be surprised by what is documented in their plans. In preparation for Londoners to access their personalised care and support plans, please ensure clinical recommendations, patient wishes and preferences are accurate and current and that all parties involved are aware of what is written in the UCP.

A communications resource pack that supports this announcement (including a patient flyer, draft patient text message and FAQs) can be downloaded here. 

For more information about the UCP please visit the UCP website

Man On! – WatfordFC wellbeing

FAO: Colleagues working with patients in Harrow

Man On! is a fully funded football and physical activity based health service that aims to support adult men aged 18+ looking for support with their physical and mental health.

Sessions are held at the Cedars Community Centre in Harrow every Monday, 6.00pm–7:30pm, and incorporate an inclusive, demand-free game of football or other physical activity, followed by an indoor wellbeing conversation around positive health and wellbeing.

Please share the attached flyer with your patients. For more information, please get in touch via: 

Join a burnout group with Keeping Well NWL 

Is work stress affecting your mental health and leading to you feeling burnt out? 

Keeping Well NWL are running another online staff burnout group, starting on Wednesday 21 February at 3:30-5.00pm for 6 weeks.

The sessions will incorporate Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) models to promote positive wellbeing using psychological techniques, reflective exercises and group discussions.   

If you are interested in joining please refer via the website referral form, highlighting that you are interested in joining the burnout group.  

The team are there to support you, get in touch by:  

Telephone: 0300 123 1705  
Complete a self-referral form 

Education and training

Local MMR webinar

FAO: All professionals across NW London, including those work directly or indirectly with children and young people, for example, but not limited to; health visitor, community organiser, nursery/early years, nurse, paediatrician

Date: Thursday 25th January 2024

Time: 13:30 – 14:00

Working with our partners from across the diverse profession that encompasses Children and Young People (CYP), NHS NW London is delighted to launch a monthly professional webinar. Each month a ‘close to home’ topic will be introduced by a professional in the field to prompt a discussion that will enable attendees to share best practice, discuss barriers and opportunities to co-support our growing population.

The topic this month will focus on vaccine hesitancy in the context of the growing reported cases of Measles. We are proud to announce presentations from Dr Elizabeth Whittaker (Imperial College HealthCare Trust) and colleagues from NW London Immunisation Team will kick start what we envisage will become a valuable, growing support network for clinical and non-clinical professionals.

By the end of the webinar you will....
  • Know enough about measles and MMR to confidently advise or sign post parents and carers
  • Have access to simple resources (leaflets, videos, etc) that are helpful to share with parents and carers
  • Understand where to get help from colleagues, when measles or MMR issues crop up
  • Have ideas for simple things to implement in your workplace that will help reduce the risk of measles
  • Be able to share your insights on ways of addressing measles risk
 A teams link will be sent to you following registration. Click here to register. 

NW London primary care enhanced services training

FAO: Clinical staff

Click here to download the enhanced services training newsletter. The news letter is a one page glance at what is happening with training across the services.