Over the past six months our Dorset Museum Development Officer (MDO), the Dorset Museums Association and Visit Dorset (the Council’s tourism team), have been collaboratively developing and delivering a
digital marketing campaign to encourage local residents and visitors to explore Dorset’s museums over October.
The project has been funded through a
Shared Prosperity grant from central government and this enabled Visit Dorset to contract an independent specialist marketing agency to develop creative content for a far reaching digital campaign.
The campaign was pivoted on an
“Inspired by Dorset” theme, which saw
twelve museums select and celebrate an artist with a historic link to their town and collections. Our MDO supported museums to develop new graphics, plan and organise grant supported half term events. These ranged from following in the footsteps of Dame Elisabeth Frink and making a ‘Wire Warrior’, creating a miniature masterpiece at Corfe Castle Museum, to an origami lion at Blandford to stone carving on Portland!
Evaluation will be undertaken in November using data and visitor feedback collected by museums during October.