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Welcome to the latest edition of the SVBS newsletter.

This week, we're focusing on the next steps for our Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) grant scheme and Oxfordshire County Council's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy consultation.

We're also promoting the ability to cover your apprenticeship costs, a free energy app for Oxfordshire residents, the Sky Zero Footprint Fund: Local Heroes TV advert competition, the Oxfordshire Incusive Economy Partnership (OIEP) session on a local fund for social businesses and the next Thame Business Breakfast event.

There are lots more opportunities, events and resources to get stuck into this week, but as always, if you'd like to suggest content for the SVBS newsletter, please get in touch with us.

- South and Vale's Economic Development team
We are currently processing a large volume of Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) grant scheme applications.

Once all applications have been assessed, a grant panel will be held to discuss our funding recommendations in August. We'll then aim to confirm all funding decisions in September.

We will review the possibility of offering further rounds of REPF grants once we have a clear understanding of the total amount that will be funded in this round. We will share all relevant information via the SVBS newsletter in the coming months.

We appreciate your patience during this process. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy consultation

Oxfordshire County Council is seeking feedback from local residents and businesses on the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy consultation.

The draft Oxfordshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) sets out how Oxfordshire County Council, in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority for Oxfordshire, and partner authorities will work together to manage flood risk. The strategy provides information for residents, businesses and developers to help understand and manage flood risk.  

The LFRMS will cover a five-year period, but also looks at the longer-term consequences that need to be taken into account, particularly in relation to climate change.

Have your say via Oxfordshire County Council's website.
Cover your apprenticeship training costs

Did you know there is financial support available to Oxfordshire businesses to take on an apprentice?

As part of the OxLEP Skills ‘Grow Your Own’ apprenticeship levy pledge initiative, there is currently £1.8m available to cover your apprenticeship training costs. This is open to any business looking to take on an apprentice.

Additionally, OxLEP Skills has recently facilitated a pledge for £100,000 from the BBC from its apprenticeship levy fund, which will allow people who want to work in the creative and
digital industries to earn whilst they learn. SMEs across
Oxfordshire can now apply for the funds to recruit apprentices and upskill current employees.

Further details can be found via OxLEP's website.
Free energy app for Oxfordshire residents

Energy Saver App is a new, free mobile app from Oxfordshire County Council.

The technology analyses your smart meter data and understands your energy use. It then gives you highly personalised insights that your smart meter can’t, so you can make informed choices about your energy use and efficiency.

The app contains personalised, actionable tips, efficiency upgrade predictions, monitors trends, tracks CO2 reductions, pinpoints power-hungry appliances and more.

If you’re interested in using the Energy Saver App to reduce the amount of energy you use, you can now register your interest via Oxfordshire County Council's website.
Win a TV campaign for your business with the ‘Sky Zero Footprint Fund: Local Heroes’

The ‘Sky Zero Footprint Fund: Local Heroes’ champions and rewards businesses that are committed to a more sustainable future in their community.

Local Heroes will be awarding nine businesses from different regions of the UK £20,000 of media value to spend on a TV campaign to advertise in their local area through AdSmart from Sky. Winners will also receive up to £2,500 towards ad creation from a local production agency.

To be in with a chance of winning, once entered, you’ll need the support of your local community to vote for you. If you fall within the top 10 most voted in your region, your business will move forward to pitch to a judging panel.

The deadline for entries is Tuesday 29 October. Apply via the AdSmart website.
'Do we need a local fund for social businesses in Oxfordshire?'

It is well known that start-up social businesses are often under-capitalised, but there is also a shortage of smaller-scale finance options accessible to early stage or growing socially trading organisations.

This gap has led to innovative and collaborative models to be developed in other regions, such as the Kindred Fund in Liverpool, that provide repayable finance such as loans or share investment.

The Oxfordshire Inclusive Economy Partnership (OIEP) team are hosting a free, in-person event to explore the demand for social finance locally and introduce the concept of a local fund.

Wednesday 17 July   |   6pm - 8pm
Old Fire Station, Oxford

The event will feature:
  • Andrew Beattie (Engagement and Impact Lead at the Kindred Fund) – presenting Kindred as an innovative example of how cross sector collaboration has enabled £2 million of loan finance to 44 socially trading organisations

  • Alice Hemming (Co-operative Futures) – introducing the feasibility study and share more about how a local fund for Oxfordshire could work, as well as the evidence of need

  • An opportunity for attendees to have a discussion and input into the consultation.
Register for your free place via Eventbrite.
Thame Business Breakfast: Decarbonise your Website

Did you know that the internet contributes to 3.7% of global carbon emissions?

Using their UKSPF funding, Thame Town Council has partnered with Pentangle Technology Limited to host a free, in-person business breakfast to learn about how to decarbonise your business’ digital footprint.

Friday 12 July   |   9am – 10.30am
Thame Barns Centre

The session is suitable for people at all levels of the business who have any involvement in their company website, and will give you plenty of ideas to take away and implement.

Topics include:

  • making your website use less carbon at a server level
  • reducing the load on your user’s browser
  • best practice sustainable web design.
Register for your free place here.

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