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Market pressure is mounting on business leaders to make responsible and sustainable choices.

The NHS is leading the way with its Five Supplier Requirements. Organisations who wish to work with the NHS must now complete and publish a Carbon Reduction Plan. South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are obliged to complete a Climate Impact Assessment tool for all projects, and suppliers are chosen on their sustainability values. 

Additionally, organisations often need a Carbon Reduction Plan to apply for green funding, to evidence the need for new projects.

It’s essential for businesses to act now, to be prepared for future mandatory legislations.

How do I get started?

We've awarded UKSPF funding to ALP Synergy Ltd to carry out a Decarbonisation Business Support pilot programme, helping South and Vale businesses to lower their greenhouse gas emissions.

The programme consists of Net Zero webinars and workshops, supporting businesses to create a personalised Carbon Reduction Plan to start or progress their sustainability journey.

The programme is free for South and Vale businesses, but there are a limited number of spaces left. 

The next starter webinar will take place this Thursday 28 November, from 1pm - 2pm.

The webinar will focus on the 10 steps that small businesses can take to becoming Net Zero. At the end of the webinar, businesses will come away with an understanding of business carbon issues and Net Zero, and will know how to access further help with carbon reduction activities.

Please note that you must attend this webinar to be able to progress to the next sessions.
Know someone else who could benefit from this programme? Forward this newsletter and help us spread the word!

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