News and inspiration 

February 2024

Welcome to our latest roundup of news. This time you will find:
  • The latest KeyRing Newspaper
  • Making it Real website launch
  • A strengths-based revolution!
  • Stories of Citizenship 
We've tried to keep it brief, but if you'd like to know more about what we've been up to just hit Reply to get in touch.
KeyRing News
The KeyRing News is full of stories from our Members about what they've been up to.

The latest edition has recipes, friendship, pets, poetry and more.

You can download a copy or listen to the audio version on our website.
The front page of the KeyRing News
Making it Real website launched
You might have heard of Think Local Act Personal (TLAP) and their Making It Real statements.

They are coproduced statements that describe what good care and support looks like.
Making it Real logo
We’ve been working with them for years and use these statements to support us in planning and generally being better at what we do.  You can check it out and read about how we implemented them on the ‘hot off the press’ site.
Strengths-based Revolution
We’ve joined the strengths-based revolution and we are among some inspiring people and organisations!

New System Alliance have created the strengths-based directory to:
  • Inspire through sharing what’s possible within our public service system, despite its flaws 
  • Connect innovators and practitioners of work that aligns with the New System Alliance values 
  • Inform and support commissioners to make more informed and structured decisions. 
Quote: "Our support is adapted to the local area we work in, but every service is still based around the key question 'What do you want from life?'"
Stories of Citizenship
Congrats to Liz Tilly and Jan Walmsley for the publication of the book ‘Rights in Practice; Stories of Citizenship’.

The book has stories from almost 100 people with a learning disability from all over the UK. We were honoured to be able to write the chapter on Liberty and Justice.

The book raises awareness about people with a learning disability and their rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD). The aim is to bridge the gap between policy and practice.
The front cover of Rights in Practice for People with a Learning Disability: Stories of Citizenship.